
Do you think I'll get lost in my new school?

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I'm starting tomorrow. There are 3 floors. It's sooooooo big and I can't even find my way to the hall! I'm really nervous about it and could you also tell me about your 1st day in secondary school? Thanks! :) x




  1. Just think of this what if you are walking down the halls and you trip and fall all your new school supplies go flying all over the halls then the guy of your dreams help you off the floor and gathers your things he says to you in a soft voice "Are you lost?" You nod your head and he takes your hand and sweeps you of to your next class. You can't get your mind off of him and when you are in your 3rd week of school you guys start going out and then end up married! (I read to much manga)

  2. You'll get used to it.  Ask people or teachers for help.  They won't mind!

  3. dont worry, that happened to me. keep asking people until u get used to those surroundings....or if its too hard try and get a school map or sumthin to guide u around the school.

    good luck! xx

  4. come on no girl get your confidence going,your bound to get lost i was like that at the nursing home and it only has 2 will be fine.good luck and make great new friends  chow get in touch

  5. Hey, no worries, you'll get to know it pretty quick, and the teachers won't mind if you're a little bit late to lessons if you get lost =)

    My secondary school had two different buildings, and each of them had three floors! I remember thinking it was huuuge, but after a while it was pretty easy to get around. Everything kinda set out logically [although we had one floor where one of the rooms had disappeared...there was a room 24, 23, 21 and 20, but no room 22.]. I remember that the Y11's were really tall and i was really scared of them, but they were mostly alright =) It was Y10 i got lost most in! Most of my classes were up the third staircase, and one time i walked into ICT, and there were all these Y8's in there, i was sooo confused, but instead of just walking out i went and embarrased myself further by saying "Whooa, what? Why's there a load of small people? Where's my class gone? Ooooh, i've got french! Sorry Sir". The teacher just looked at me and said "Good morning Eleanor" really sarcasticly and wouldn't stop laughing at me for ages!

    You'll be fine, don't worry about it. Everyone gets nervous on their first day, you'll sink into the routine of it in no time =) Good luck x

  6. Ask for a map from the office! I haven't started yet, but I'm sure it will be fun!

  7. Well ask around or if you don't no anyone ask a teacher. I'm sure they'll help you, i felt exactly the same way and don't worry all the other kids will be feeling like this too, you've just got to ask and don't be scared ... people will be happy to help.

  8. When I started high school, my brothers girlfriend helped my highlight the quickest route to each class in the map of the school provided in my agenda. Good Luck :)  

  9. listen 2 advantages you have you know the language so you could ask anyone for help, the other one it might be that you will see some1 that you knew from your primary school so you could hang out with that person.

    now when i started secondary school i didn't spoke any english, can you imagine that and can you imagine how scared i was and plus because i didn't done the primary school in england so i basically didn't know any for me was like another world to me....

    but you'll get over it and meet people that same day...

    just like when i started college i was really scared but all of a sudden i had many friends...

    so good luck...

  10. At my school for the 1st week the teacher's took you from my class to another.  On the way they will point out the toilets to you.

  11. hey calm down a mo, when i started 'big school' i got lost, but i had my cuz Claire to help me, she had loads of mates and they helped me, teachers or other people in the school can help you don't worry it will be fine.

    ask for a map from your tutor, i'm sure she will be happy to give you one.

  12. Hi there, I'm going into my second year at high school! Everything was fine, and I didn't get lost once because I followed my form to some of the lessons because there's always someone out of your form in each lesson of yours.

    Advice: If you get lost do NOT ask an ordinary student, they'll tell you the wrong direction. Prefects, head boy/girls and teachers are good people to ask for help!

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