
Do you think I'm fat ? Before get prego

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I'm 23years old 5'3 and 140.

I'm thinking to get prego

Buy getting pregnant I'm thinking i will be looking like a ball.

so please tell me after or during pregnancy what i could do.




  1. I'm 5'2", 22 Yrs old and 166: I'm Fat, you're fine. and you are supposed to gain weight for the baby

  2. No! you are not fat. I entered your information into a BMI calculator and you are at 24.8 BMI which falls into a normal weight category. I am worried about pregnancy weight too, but I plan to walk and eat healthy to keep from gaining too much weight. Also, in order to maintain my weight now I do something similar to weight watchers. I know how many calories I need to take in a day to maintain my weight and I eat that many calories. Perhaps you could ask your doctor what a healthy caloric intake would be so you can control your weight gain more. Don't be so worried about the weight gain that you wont be able to enjoy your pregnancy. Good luck!

  3. Getting in good shape does help you conceive better and keeps you healthy in the process. I would start walking about 20-30 minutes on a Treadmill or around your neighborhood. You are not fat so don't worry about looking like a ball. I am 5'5, 28 yr, and 141 lbs. I have been trying to get in better shape to handle the pregnancy. Best of luck:)

  4. You are not fat sweetie but if your worried about pregnancy weight you can do light walking during your entire pregnancy. I am very little and I still gained 50lbs during my pregnancy but I walked on the treadmill 5 days a week up until my 8th month, I think that may have helped because I lost the post pregnancy weight very quickly and my doctor said that light excersize and staying healthy during the nine months played a part in returning to my pre pregnancy weight in a short period of time. Oh and yes, I looked pretty silly, almost like a big huge belly with little legs little arms and a head...but I loved it:)

  5. No, I definitely don't think you are fat! If you are trying to get pregnant just make sure that you are eating well, taking vitamins, and staying hydrated. It's a good idea to also get into a daily walking routine to get safe exercise while pregnant. God luck!  

  6. I think it's a normal weight and you shouldn't worry about "being a ball" when pregnant. Most women gain like 25-35 pounds and most of it is non-fat related (the water, placenta, etc..). I usually weigh about 115 but by the end pregnancy, I was about 140. I lost all the weight with breastfeeding and not over indulging with my cravings (I craved for Burger Kings whoppers!). I have know some women who actually got thinner after having kids. They keep you running!

    Good luck:)

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