Back in May I was about 7 weeks prengant and started bleeding. I went in for several sonograms and had HCG levels done. Turns out I had a missed miscarriage and had a d&c. I got pregnant 1 month after my procedure, and now I'm 7 & 2/7 weeks pregnant. I started bleeding again today. I did go when I was 6 weeks along and had a sonogram and we saw the baby and a heartbeat, but now with the bleeding again makes me worried because of what happend just a few months ago. I'm not having any cramps today, I did have minor cramps a few days ago. The bleeding isn't too bad..browinsh pink color. I mainly notice it only when I wipe. I'm going to wait until Monday morning to call my doctors and try to get in for a sonogram, but was wondering if any of you other women went through this and what you outcome was. Thanks.