
Do you think I'm right by saying...?

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That I think by the 2016 or 2020 Summer Olympics American Football will be in it because it is growing around the world very rapidly?




  1. no i dont think so

    the second person above is right

  2. possible, but wont be by 2016, someone has to have a real talent first

  3. No I really don't foresee that. Football is just too grueling of a sport to play 3,4, or 5 times in such a short period. I don't foresee it spreading to the rest of the world like here in America. They tried a league in Europe and it ended up going broke because of not enough interest. And to put together a team of players who have never played the sport and then be competitive in 8 or 12 years is going to be tough. Especially since they don't have colleges that play it oversees.

  4. no it will not be there

  5. Football teams have huge rosters, there are a lot of injuries, and equipment costs a lot so I really don't think so.   Could you imagine...  "Playing for the gold in American Football.....Uzbekistan and Saudi Arabia."  LOL.   I doubt it but you never know.  

  6. it depends how many countrys play football by then. because thats exactly why there geting rid of olympic baseball,because not 2 many countrys play baseball

  7. Easy They are dropping baseball and softball come next Olympics and you can be sure that the USA dominance (particularly in softball) played a role in why the Olympic committee decided to remove them as sports. They claim time and field availability were to blame, if they added football how would they get in more than 4 teams? The Olympics go for 2 weeks and if you play a game a week the 2nd game would have to be the gold medal game or they would have to find a way to play 3 or 4 games in 2 weeks (very dangerous for injury sake, no way NFL player assoc. goes for that). So as fun as it might be to have Olympic football I have to say I dont believe you are right in this case.

  8. I would like it, but you have to remember, the only people who sign in another  leauge, are people who werent good enough to make it into the NFL. So if it was an olympic sport, how good would other countries be?

  9. I hope you are right.  The cost of this would be unreal though.  There is just too much equipment and staff and medics and so on.  These people don't get paid to play, so it might be hard to find people willing to play either.  If they get hurt in the Olympics, they might not be ready for the regular season, thus losing incentives and pay.  Also, some teams make their star players sign waivers stating that they will not partake in any extra curricular activities.  If it happens great, but don't expect it.

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