
Do you think I'm too young to have two tatoos?

by  |  earlier

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I got my first when i was 13 then again a few months ago I'm 14 now




  1. sand - if you were so disgusted with the question, then why did you answer it? No reason to be a a$$hole about it.

    Listen dude, It's your choice to have the tattoos, you already have them, so i mean, that was your choice. You are probably one of the coolest kids in your grade to have two tattoos. More power to you.

    Don't listen to what that dude said. You are fine.

  2. I think thats pretty young. That's also the age where you are getting taller and growing a little, so getting tattoos at that age could cause them to stretch out once you are older.

    I'm almost 17 and I plan to get my first tattoo at 18. But i'm putting much thought into it!! I'm thinking of safety and where to get it so it doesn't stretch when i'm older.

  3. yeah.

  4. I little too young! You have to be 18 to legally get a tattoo. But i did get a tattoo of a heart on my breast when i was 14.

  5. i think that's too young i got my first and only at 18

    but to each is there own i guess....that's just my opinion

  6. no im 13 i just hope u didnt get anything stupid

  7. Yes, way too young, where I live that is actually illegal and your parents would have the right to sue the artist and have him charged with grievous bodily harm

  8. geez that is really young!! What are they oF??

  9. Why are you asking? Do you really care what we think? You already have your tattoos (from a scratcher = not a reputable licensed tattooist ... who would not have touched you)

    Are you gloating?



    It is your life.

    You are not asking a question that matters.

  10. waaay to young were are your parents or guardians i really hope you dont regret them:-s

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