Long story short...
So, about a month ago my "best friend" of 20 years [I'll call her "A"] got into a huge argument with another girl who had just recently became our friend [I'll call her "J"] and to be honest, "A" was really to blame for the whole thing. I kept getting thrown in the middle so I just made it easy on myself and stopped talking to "J".
Last week she sent me an email trying to straighten things out between us, not only because she wanted to be my friend again but also because our 10 year old daughters were also pretty close. I decided to accept her apology and let bygons be bygons. Life is too short to hold grudges if you ask me.
So, yesterday night "A" sees a comment from "J" on my MySpace page and flips out!! She sent me a crazy message and deleted me!!
Shouldn't she have come to me first instead of jumping to conclusions and as she put it...playing "Sherlock Holmes"?
What would you have done?
Your thoughts and opinions would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance :-)