Last week checkup I was almost 2 cm 50% effaced. The baby has dropped and was at station 0 then as well. my doctor also said that my cervix has moved all the way to the front and is now aligned with my v****a.
last week ago I had intense contractions that lasted for about 45 minutes and gave me diarrhea, but then went away.
I have been losing chunks of my mucus plug for a few weeks now, but the last couple days its been A LOT more and more frequent, nearly everytime I go the bathroom there is an inch long piece.
I have cramping on and off everyday but I haven't really had anymore intense contractions like the other day.
Do you think that perhaps I could be going into labor soon? or could it still be a while?
I am 38 weeks
could sitting on a ball help induce me maybe or make me dilate more??
Does the progress I have made signal anything?? Also when you lose your mucus plug like i have been, does that mean that I am dilating??