
Do you think I am close to labor??

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Last week checkup I was almost 2 cm 50% effaced. The baby has dropped and was at station 0 then as well. my doctor also said that my cervix has moved all the way to the front and is now aligned with my v****a.

last week ago I had intense contractions that lasted for about 45 minutes and gave me diarrhea, but then went away.

I have been losing chunks of my mucus plug for a few weeks now, but the last couple days its been A LOT more and more frequent, nearly everytime I go the bathroom there is an inch long piece.

I have cramping on and off everyday but I haven't really had anymore intense contractions like the other day.

Do you think that perhaps I could be going into labor soon? or could it still be a while?

I am 38 weeks

could sitting on a ball help induce me maybe or make me dilate more??

Does the progress I have made signal anything?? Also when you lose your mucus plug like i have been, does that mean that I am dilating??




  1. Yes, it sounds like you're close!  Try to walk as much as you can, walking speeds up the process in the early stages of labor.  And yes, when you lose your mucus plug that means you are dilating more.  It won't be long.  Good luck!

  2. You will be having that baby soon!! Everything sounds normal and your body is preparing for delivery.  However, until you have contractions, you just have to wait.  Your situation sounds exactly like mine did.  The day I went into labor it lasted all day....contractions started out small and got more intense and more frequent throughout the day.  To the point where I was in tears, couldnt take the pain anymore, and was having them every 3 mins.  Finally I got out of that 2cm dilation and was 4cm so they kept me in the hospital.  I went the first time and they sent me home. They said if you are the least bit happy and smiling and not in that much pain.. you are not ready lol...and they were right! They finally kept me when i wanted to pull my hair out and smack everyone that talked to me...haha. If you can tolerate the contractions...then its not to the fullest will be able to tell the difference :) and remember, if you feel something isnt right or your doctor asap...its better to be safe then sorry! every pregnancy and labor is different.

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