
Do you think I can become the youngest person to play the role of Christine Daee on The Phantom of the Opera?

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I am a very good soprano who can sing even higher than the role can. I am only fourteen but hopefully when I'm 18+ I will play that role. Usually, the role has been played by people in their mid or late twenties but I was wondering if maybe I could even if I'm a little younger




  1. sry but ur vioce is gonna defin change by then honey! singing classes at least twice a week to keep the better part of your voice then try that


  2. if your voice is mature enough then why not?

    if you want it that badly theres no reason why you cant get it.

  3. In general, the more money invested into a show's production, the less likely it is that any roles in it will be cast against type. This is because if a show has a lot of money riding on it, the producers most likely won't want to risk their investment with an oddball casting choice that may or may not resonate with audiences. So if you're talking about performing the role on Broadway, then sorry, but no matter how fabulously talented you may be, the role will pretty much always be played by a pretty dark-haired woman in their 20's.

    Now, assuming the production rights for Phantom are eventually released, you may get your chance to play the role. Regional companies usually have much less money riding on their productions, and can thus afford to be a bit more daring in their casting choices, and having Christine portrayed as unusually young may not be completely unheard of. But then, by the time the rights are released you'll probably be in the role's typical casting age group anyway.

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