
Do you think I can find the COACH brand in St Thomas? I'm going to St Thomas on a cruise and I heard...?

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you can find the gold very cheap but I'm not sure about designers brands... have you go to St Thomas recently? Let me know your experience. Thanks!




  1. I haven't been to St. Thomas for a couple of years, but Idon't remember seeing a Coach store.  I'd go for the gold in St. Thomas... it isn't REALLY cheap but it is priced very good.  I know Nassau has designer stores, like high end-- Fendi, Gucci... (not really cheaper though hah).  I'm going to St. Thomas on my cruise in March!  Maybe I'll see you there!


  2. I bought a Louie purse for $40 and the d**n thing broke within 2 months. I suggest buying a used one from ebay.

  3. There are Coach stores in St.Tomas (Charlotte Amalie has a great one), but the prices were similar if not exactly the same as they are in any other Coach Store. In San Juan Puerto Rico they have a Coach Store & then about a block away there is a table on the street where they sell what they are calling knock off coach bags. I have a few coach purses & I saw no difference (I didn't buy one there b/c I was scared they were stolen). If u buy a purse at a Coach store no matter the price you know its legit, just watch out for places offering really cheap name brands b/c they may not be what they're advertising.

  4. You can find Knock off anywhere these days.  Also, shop e bay.  I bought 3 Coach bags very reasonably that way!!

  5. St. Thomas has a Coach Store in town Charlotte Amalie.  I don't know what the prices are because I didn't go in there.  But I did see alot of people with coach shopping bags.   You can find jewelry prices for good down there, and you can negotiate with them.

  6. If you buy a real one in St. Thomas which I dont recall seeing a store there, it is the same price, the only difference is you dont pay tax--they have tons of knock offs, but not good ones... The best thing to buy in St. Thomas is jewelry, but I would stay away fromt he diamonds, the ones they tried to sell me were waaay overpriced for not a good product. Watches are great~!

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