
Do you think I can get pregnant at 31?

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Im 31 with no children. When was younger I thought I didn't want children. Now at 31 I have realized I do want kids, but I don't even have a boyfriend at this time. Do you think it is possible that I can still have kids (is my biological clock ticking)? I want a child more than anything now =(




  1. You can, but do it quick. Your chances of having a disabled/ mentally handicapped child are greatly increased now that you're a bit older. When and if you do get pregnant make sure you talk with your doctor and have him run tests to check for abnormal growth. Good luck!

  2. Of course you can!  Get crackin!

  3. You shouldn't have any problems getting pregnant but you could have some complications throughout the pregnancy due to being in your 30's but it's early 30s so you should be fine.

    Make sure you're healthy and pretend you're pregnant for 6 months before getting pregnant. That way you're eating properly and healthy so you can try to prevent any problems.

    Since you don't have a boyfriend have you thought about adopting a child? You can get a newborn if you wanted.

  4. Well all you need is to find somebody that wants to have a child and will help you support it, or go to the sperm bank either way you can get pregnant.

  5. I think 31 is a perfect age to start physically  and mentally, there are no more games, most likely you are oriented, experienced,  stable. at least most of us  most of us are. I would say go for it, better if it is with a person you are planning to spend your life with but if you decided to do it on your own. it can be done, just remember , your life changes for ever, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Good luck and have faith!!!

  6. Why wouldn't you be able to? Women still have children in their 40's. So unless you are already going through menopause, I would say you have nothing to worry about

  7. of course you can!  i had my son just before i turned 30, and a coworker just had her 4th child...beautiful little girl at 35.  women are waiting a lot longer to start families these've got quite a few years left.  good luck!

  8. As long as you've got a healthy uterus then I'm sure you can. My mom got pregnant at 39!

  9. As long as you still get periods, you should be able to get pregnant. Many women (including my mother) have children after 31! Good luck!

  10. I'm 31yrs old and pregnant with my first child.  I had no problem getting pregnant.  In fact, he was actually a very pleasant "surprise" for us.

  11. As far as I know, women can have children until they run out of eggs.

    I mean, that's not age dependent. Some women reach that young. So there's no way of telling.

    On an average though, 31 isn't too young by a long shot.

    Lots of women are still able to have children into their late forties and early fifties.

    Don't go crazy with the wanting a child thing though. Get out there and find the right guy for you, unless you want to do it artificially... having a child is a mutual decision.

    Good luck with it though=)

  12. My mom had me at 33. I was an only child. Also, I know a woman who decided she wanted children at 39 and wasn't in a realtionship, so she went to a sperm bank and is now a single mom to adorable almost 4 year old twin girls! Whatever you do, good luck!

  13. Im 31 and pregnant with my 2nd, so yes you can get pregnant at 31.  Actually you can have a baby for a long time.  As you get older it has a lot to do with what kind of shape you are in though.  Good luck.

  14. I am the oldest in my family and my mom had me at 37. Her friend just got pregnant (a surprise) at 45. The average age for getting pregnant is 32. So yes I think you can still get pregnant and have kids.

  15. it is kind of hard to get pregnant all by yourself, but hey women in their 50s and 60s are having babies these days and if you do not have any medical problems there should not be any reason that you could not have a bab... the doctors are even getting more prepare on taking women that are pregnant at later ages in their life....having babies at late ages is more responsible now and that little problem is a thing of the past

  16. Of course.  I'm 31 and had my first child at 29.  I won't be having another one for at leat two years.

  17. Are you a healthy adult? There should be no problems. My Aunt actually had her 6th pregnancy (and 4th child) when she was 32? 33? Things worked out fine for her. Are you wanting to be in a relationship with children? or do you just want children? options: adoption. artificial insemination. Or, if you want kids but not necessarily to have kids, you could look for a soul mate that already has children. it's never to late to get what you want ... good luck!

  18. What does your GYN say? You should always see them before you TTC.

    I had my first at 31 and my second at 34. Good luck!

  19. A lot of women wait until the are older.  I think you can still have one and you still have time too.  My mom had me at 38 and then had my younger sister at 41

  20. Yes you can.

    If your child needs a daddy, I can help.

    It would do me good to do you good, lemme help.

  21. I'll be 31 in September and have been married for almost 7 years. During that time my husband and I wanted children desperately and ended up adopting and now I am pregnant. So  yeah it can happen after 31.

  22. a lady in arkansas had 18 kids from months old to 21/22  she is in her 40's . if she can do it then unless there is a physical problem then you should be able to have children

  23. Im 32 and pregnant it only took us 2 months of trying.

    I know how you feel, but trust me, you HAVE to wait for the right guy.

  24. Yea, you can still have children until you go through menopause. Even after that you could still adopt :)

    Good luck


    there is women as old as 67 who had a child

    (67 year old in romania documented as having twins)

    your at a great age to have children you gave yourself time to grow up

    the most common age for women to concieve is betwein 23 - 35

    As for the boyfriend part find someone you want to spend your life with you don't want your child being raised with out a father (especially if it is a boy) Good luck

  26. Im pretty sure you can unless there is something wrong with you.. do to a donation clinic

  27. The reason women are told not to have children as they get older is because there is a higher risk for the child to be deformed, mentally or physically disabled, or sick somehow, most commonly Down Syndrome.  Still, many women have healthy babies in their 40's.  The older you are, the higher risk your pregnancy is, but 31 is still young. Just two years ago, you were 29! Sometime in about 7 years, you'll be told that your biological clock is ticking, but you don't have any reason to be concerned now.

    If you really want kids, visit a sperm bank or consider adoption.

  28. I think you can, yes, but it will be more difficult to conceive naturally.  Good luck!

  29. yep you can

  30. if you get your period u can have kids i dont see why not unless of coarse you have a problem with ovulation. good luck on trying :D

  31. Yes..

    You could still have children.

    Some women's are having children at 40s..

    good luck !

    Go to with an OB GYN..

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