
Do you think I can walk on to a small school football team and transfer when I get better?

by  |  earlier

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Long story short, I got booted from the football team for missing a mandatory practice and they wont let me back. I want to try to walk on to a D2 or D3 school and try to transfer in my junior year to a Division one school and hopefully redshirt.

I was a sophomore and I made varsity. I play TE, DE.




  1. What were you at when you got kicked off? D1, D2?

  2. show the initiative, show you know how to play, blow past everyone to make first string, and you have no problem. if you want to make it happen you will. dedication is a key for coaches at all levels, don't miss anything mandatory, it doesn't reflect well on you as a person. at that point, all the talent in the world doesn't make a difference if they think you don't care.

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