
Do you think I could be a good philosopher from what I say below?

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  1. I think you definitely have potential! It is hard to tell from just one quote that you wrote there, but I think it has more to do with what and how you feel and think on the inside.  Do you find yourself thriving for knowledge to understand "you" living inside this enormous world?  And do you find yourself wanting to make and form your own opinions about theories that define the world?  If you can answer yes to these, then I think you are already traveling down the correct path!

    Thanks for reading!

  2. Solely based on what you said below, no, you would not be a good philosopher.

  3. If I were half the age I am now I would definitely say YES.

    If I were twice the age I am now I would definitely say NO.

    But as it is, I will only say: "It all depends on what kind of character you want to be. Will you have undergone any moral change by the end of the story? Will that change have occurred as a result of your free will? Will you have developed a view on the world that other people are likely to willfully take over? Then, indeed, you could be a good philosopher." :)

  4. actions speak way louder than words.....sorry ...need to see you in action

  5. In a sense, it sounds like a good quote though :).

  6. Hey! Everybody can be a good philosopher. In my opinion it requires just the will to think and look inside. And I like the idea you mention. :-)

  7. Sure! Keep practicing, though! Being a good philosopher is all about asking yourself the really tough questions, figuring out what you believe about them (as some of them don't have a picture-perfect answer), and then figure out WHY you believe what you do about those tough questions and be willing to back them up with as much evidence, reason, or logic that you can... Being a good philosopher is all about loving wisdom... don't shy away when someone corrects or criticizes you... View everything as a lesson and a chance to learn something new...

    You're on the right track!

  8. Philosophy is not writing fortune cookies or poetry. It requires the ability to form logical connections and construct valid, persuasive arguments, as well as skill in defending both the premises and conclusions.

    Your sentence displays none of this.

  9. Sure. It's a start .You can be anything you put your mind to .

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