
Do you think I could get arrested???????

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I'm 13 years old and my family are big car fans. My Dad owns sells and builds muscle cars and sometimes in the early morning he lets me drive around the block in one of the cars. I'm a pretty good driver, I can drive manual stick now too. Anyway, this morning I tested this old Dodge Challenger my Dad was working on to see if the engine was working. Then really quickly I drove it around the block without his permission when he wasn't home. As I was pulling in the driveway a cop drove by and stopped, then went by. I realized it was the officer down the street and he knew my Dad I'm so sorry for what I've done do you think I will get arrested or something I am so sick please help!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Yeah, I called and they are on their way.

  2. Hahahaha, No..

    I am 13 to and I LOVE TO DRIVE! WOOT!

    But you wont get arrested, maybe charged?

    But not Arrested.. :P,.,

  3. Stop driving. There's an age limit for a reason. If you get caught, then you won't be able to get your drivers license until your 21. Stop before you kill yourself, or worse, someone else.

  4. You CAN be charged.  However, if the officer KNOWS you are under age and didn't bother to do anything at the time, I doubt they actually will.  Of course, they may talk to your dad.  Depending on how that conversation goes, you me prefer the arrest.

  5. Wow, that's a cool dad you have!   I hope he's cool about you driving w/o his permission, because there's a remote possibility that the cop might drop by and disclose what he saw.  

    However, I don't think you'll get in any legal trouble, unless you blurt out "I'm sorry I went out driving!" -- always wait for the police to show the evidence they have against you before you talk.

  6. No dude your not going to get arrested

    Number one  if that be the case  the cop  would of done it this morning

    However I'm sure you and your dad will talk

    Plus your dad should not allow u to drive for any reason

    If you have an accident etc    your dad will be in trouble  plus could ruin your life

    So  no more solo drives  and be smart about your decisions in life

    Have a good day

  7. Yeah, like someone else said. I called the copes too...No, seriously, I don't know that you could get arrested, but if the right cop stopped you, you could get into some trouble...

  8. the cops are the least of your worries

  9. You are going to get the chair!!!!!  Don't you know how bad it is to drive underage???!!!  If the cop did nothing this am, it's because he's going to get his buddies to come beat you!!!  Lol, you shouldn't do things like that seriously because you never know what may happen, most accidents happen close to home, how could you explain that.

  10. no i drove when i was 12.........juvvi!!!!your dad might get arrested or he will have parenting class...

  11. I don't think so, if you were to get arrested the cop would have nabbed you right away.  Just be more careful in the future.

  12. No u wont get arrested, the only way u can is if ur dad files charges against u, I seriosly doubt this!The only thing they can do if they catch u is deny u ur learners permit and or driverlices for a while!

    I think all you really have to worry about is getting grounded!

  13. If you were getting arrested, he would have stopped you at the time. But I would expect your dad to find out. Better get ready to apologize profusely!

  14. I highly doubt he is going to arrest you, you are a minor.  HOWEVER, your father is responsible for you since you are a minor and that cop/neighbor or whatever will probably have a talk with your father.  Being that you want to act like an adult and make those kind of decisions, like taking a car and driving, which you could REALLY hurt someone if not yourself, talk to your father and tell him what you've done.  He's going to find out either way, atleast let him hear it from you first.  and STOP DRIVING!! Your tooo young!!

  15. if he didnt arrest you then he wont arrest you know

    dont worry

  16. No, if your Dad is a friend of the officer. If not it is still a no, the guy doesn't care, he probably didn't even notice it was you.

  17. well if a cop lives by you then all he will do is stop wont get arrested i am about your age and i drive around the block all the time and the security guards dont care.....someone who might is your dad

  18. Worry about your Dad.......You won't get arrested.  If anything the cop would have done something right away.  You're in the clear.  Don't worry so much.

  19. It sounds like your Dad was friendly with the police officer, and it does sound like he did see you driving out alone. Don't worry you won't get arrested, the cop will probably talk to your dad, and tell him what he saw, and at worst you'll just get grounded for a week. The fact that you drove a car underage is dangerous, but the worst part of it is that you took advantage of the responsibility your Dad gave you.

  20. Well as long as you didn't hurt anyone or damage anything and the cop didn't pull you over, there's not much that can be done besides him telling your dad.  And then he might get mad at you but i'm pretty sure it's safe to say that you won't be getting arrested.

  21. Yes you can be arrested because ya don't have a driver's license..

  22. At 13 years of age I would be more concerned about your dad being arrested for giving you the keys and letting you drive them around the block.  If you was to have a small accident of something they could get him for endangering the welfare of a child that is a serious issue...  As for you being arrested for what you did probably not or he would have when the saw you.  But you better be ready to hide when the phone rings tonight because dad is not going to be happy when that cop calls him...

  23. Look how stressed you are?  No, you won't get arrested.  But I want you to promise me you won't drive again until you have your license.

    I'm sure you're the greatest 13 year old driver on the planet, but if you accidently mowed down a 3-year old on your trip around the block, you dad's house and all his muscle cars would belong to that kids parents now.  You and you dad would live in a box behind Burger King.

    Your dad is a moron for letting you drive around the block.  Because he lacks intelligence, you'll need to do the thinking for both of you.  Good luck

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