
Do you think I could get into Rice University? ?

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am going to be a junior in high school at a national top 100 public school in minnesota, I have a 4.0 GPA unweighted, weighted it is 4.13 or something like that. Last year I took enriched english, AP euro (and received a 5 on the AP exam), enriched sociology, and am one year ahead in math, but took regular chemistry. This year I'm taking very advanced courses and I plan on maintaining a high GPA, doing well on my PSAT, SAT, ACT, and maybe taking some SAT subject tests. When I was a freshman i took the ACT and got a 33, but that was without writing. I've been on the track team since 8th grade, and cross country since 9th. I have also been a member of mock trial since 9th grade and have lettered every year. This spring I was accepted as a member of my school's new leadership group, and then I was selected to become a member of a smaller subgroup that is much more selective. I've also been a part of my school plays since 6th grade; this year I was a 'shadow' which was basically a combo of an understudy and a props person. I'm also planning on joining Amnesty International this year because I am really interested in majoring in International Relations. I'm also involved in my church, and through my church i volunteer a few times a month. I also have had to do 2 service learning projects that required volunteer work, but I'd really like to volunteer more.

However, I'm still a teenager and I like to have fun and get out and explore the city, and I haven't done anything with my summers except hanging out with friends and just having fun. I really want to go to a good college, but at the same time I know that I'm only going to have freedom like this for a few more years and I don't want to waste all of my time studying. Soo yeah. I am very passionate about all of the activities I'm involved in, especially cross country and track.

Other schools I'm looking at right now are(thoughts on admission?):

McGill --in Canada


University of Chicago




Washington University in St. Louis


Sorry this is so long and kind of a rant but any opinions or advice would be amazing! Thanks so much!




  1. I think you look good for all those colleges, though Amherst might be a bit harder, since it's the number 1 liberal arts school in the country. You have a very good chance at McGill, Brown, Tufts, Wash U, and a pretty good chance at Rice. You really need to do just as well as you did on your practice ACT, though--or get a 2100+ on the SAT. You should also take a number of AP classes next year--at least 1 or 2 more.

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