
Do you think I drive too much?

by  |  earlier

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My car is just over 2 years old and I have 62,000 miles. I drive a lot for work, for which I receive a gasoline allowance of $200 a month. Do you think this is really a lot of driving? Or does anyone have a similar story with an even worse scenario?




  1. if you commute alot then no thats not alot of miles

  2. your lucky you get an allowance from work  mines 4 yrs old with 110000 ...and you can never drive too much

  3. To second what qwerty said, yes, that's far too much. When I was calling to insure my car I was told that what I put (12,000) was about what most people drive a year. If there's another job closer to home, or some way to telecommute, I would definitely look into it, because A) That much driving is increasing your insurance costs, B) It's a strain on the environment, and C) It's definitely a HUGE strain on your car. You're cutting a huge chunk out of your paycheck to pay for gas, insurance, and maintenance, even with the allowance.

  4. That is a lot of miles. I have about 36,000 miles in 2 years.

  5. Your gas allowance isn't enough.

    I too drive about 30,000 miles a year - triple what I used to drive.

    I'm sure we're both on the hitlist of Greenpeace.

  6. Well, the average American drives 15,000 miles a year. On average, you drive 31,000 miles a year. So yeah, I would say you drive a lot.

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