
Do you think I have ADD?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I know this might look very long... but once you read it .. it's not as long as you think it is... I posted 1, 2, & 4 seperately yesterday and I got alot of answers where people say I have ADD... well I just want to know What Do you Think?? Thanks!


Ever since I started to read chapter books in school... I can't ever seem to remember anything I have read even if it was the teacher who reads it.. I would pay attention and follow along with the teacher reading out loud. But I can never write a summary about it after... I would always have to go through the book again or ask the person next to me 'what was the story about?' and they would look at me weird and ask 'were u even paying attention??' I would say 'No..' But what I really meant was "Yes but I can't seem to concetrate".. I always feel like I am the only one who has trouble with this because it seems like everyone in class can answer the questions whenever the teacher ask them and I am always the only one who doesn't know what to say when I am getting picked on by the teacher... I get kinda embarrassed and upset when the teacher gets mad at me for thinking I don't pay attention. I also don't understand hard math like algebra or geometry.. I can't concetrate on anything at school unless I think it is veryy interesting... which is rarely..


Another problem I have is watching movies... sometimes I would watch and enjoy the entire movie but sometimes even if the movie is interesting.... there would be uninteresting things going through my head and I would not pay attention to the movie.. and I can't stop it... WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?? ... :-\ everytime I watch a movie I would forget everything right after... and I really DON'T think this is normal...


Sometimes when people talk to me.. friends or whoever.... it's mostly on the phone or outside where alot of people are... I would seem to say "huh?" or "what did U just say?" ... I hear what they say but I would say those things to make sure if thats what I really heard ... ? or sometimes I really don't hear what they are saying... *sigh*


I also seem to be nervous alll the time... like when I see someone I know... I'm scared to say hi I'm scared they would ignore me so most of the time I just look at them and wait till they say something and sometimes I would pretend I don't see them.... and it would sometimes make me seem like I am ignoring them which I am not doing... I don't know what I should do about my nervousness ..also I seem to be moving alot I can not stay still for a very long time ...




  1. It is very common to have ADD or ADHD while having a learning disability (or a different learning style).  This can only be diagnosed by a doctor.  The treatment is a trial of medication (ritalin, concerta etc...).  If you do have ADD or ADHD, you will see a difference fairly quickly (within the day) with the meds.

    Good luck.

  2. You might have. See a doctor or go to your county's mental health system. Good luck

  3. You may have attention problems, but it doesn't sound like ADD - according to the DSM, 6+ manifestations of inattention (easily distracted, not following orders, careless mistakes etc) for six months and to an extreme/maladaptive or unexpected degree - OR 6+ manifestations of hyperactivity (running inappropriately, restlessness, incessant talkings) for six months to extreme/maladaptive degree. And some of the above must be present before the age of seven (above the normal child level of the above. Children are restless and have short attention), present in two or more settings, significant impairment in work/academic/social life.

    I don't know how extreme your lack of concentration does not seem that unusual. Some people have better attention, some have worst. It is fairly normal to have unrelated thoughts even during interesting movies - I've certainly done it and it's nothing that unusual. And if you *can* pay attention when the subject is interesting, you don't so much have an attention problem as a motivation problem. There doesn't appear to be severe impairment, and you don't give any information on the onset time (ADD usually manifests before 7).

    So although I'd say you have possible problems you have to deal with, I would not, from what you've described, suggest they were linked to ADD, and propose it's a lot more likely you are one of the many who just normally have difficulty concentrating. These problems are common within the normal range of functioning

  4. Get a goo therapist, they can help you determine if you have it or if you may have another problem.  

  5. you should prolly go to the doctor. it doesnt sound like add thooo. [[:

  6. Possibily,

    Talk to your doctor

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