
Do you think I have Agoraphobia?

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I've always been a very shy, quiet 'stand offish' type person but since I've started college I think my social skills have gotten worse. When I'm in class at times I feel like I can hardly breathe (especially when I have to sit in the front row of a crowded class) my chest hurts and my heart beats extremely fast. I also experience stomach pain (my acid reflux has gotten worse and its symptoms have intensified like constipation, gas and diarrhea) When I sit for a long time, I get so antsy and panicky I wish I could just run out the class. Sometimes these feelings are so intense I actually leave early. Conversations with classmates are also an awkward experience...I usually avoid them because although it sounds crazy I feel that they feel superior to me. I stay at home most of the time. Could this be Agoraphobia? Please no mean remarks.




  1. I dont think you have Agoraphobia, but I think you have a mixture of insecurity and a very big lack of confidence which results in panic attacks which is what it sounds like you are experiencing, but of course I am no expert so I could be wrong, I'm only going by what I used to be like when I was young, which is not as bad as what you are experiencing but similar, why dont you speak to your doctor and maybe there is something he can do or put you intouch with someone who can help you overcome this anxiety.

  2. No. Agoraphobia is much different. It sounds like you have some anxiety, though. I would suggest you go visit a psychiatrist to get a proper diagnosis. Whether you get medication or not (I would suggest it with anxiety this severe, but it's not necessary and ultimately up to you), you should ask for a referral to a therapist. Studies show that cognitive behavioural therapy works wonders in treating anxiety.

  3. I don't think its Agoraphobia, its actually impossible for an Agoraphobic to leave the house at all without getting dizzy, breathless, faint, etc. after about 10 steps outside. You, however, can actually make it into class and sit there for ages even though you feel anxious. To be honest, I feel that your social skills have never been put into practise, for whatever reason, a strict upbringing perhaps? Or maybe you're just the type of person who finds it hard to relate to people. Nothing wrong with that, but I feel that as you grow, so will your personality. Some people who are painfully shy in their younger years, blossom into bright and bubbly adults with many friends. I should know, I was one of them. Its just a phase you're going through, it will pass in time, I'm certain of it!!

  4. please email me, since i can't contact you. i REALLY understand what you're going through.  

  5. yes.  now get on welfare/disability just like you're planning to.  make sure you keep up the act the entire time, or they might keep declining you.

  6. Hey ! Dude just relax...i think u didn't write more about u...ya its true dat u write abt the probs u r facing....its just lake of confidence nothing else...i know it but u should tell me first that what u feel means, why u shy or why ur breath so loudly when u sit in front....r u afraid of something...or is it that somedy will ask u about what u do not know... or they will embarrass u... but i m sure it is Lack of confidence nothing else...and it will be created....just thing about positive prospective.....i love to speak wid u more on dis....if u want......mail me any time...n please feel free to revert....Take care Budy.......

  7. It sounds to me that you have more of social anxiety or social phobia rather than agoraphobia.  Social anxiety disorder and agoraphobia both fit in the spectrum of anxiety problems (of course) so it wouldn't be uncommon to have the two correlate.  Google social anxiety and see what you come up with.  Otherwise the best approach really is to be properly diagnosed by a psychiatrist.

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