
Do you think I have Boxer's Fracture?

by  |  earlier

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So I was in vegas and I punched a wall moderately hard...just for fun, you know how it is. I woke up the next day with a slightly swollen hand that hurt, yet I still had full range of motion. Its a little over two weeks later and there is still some mild pain.

I can still play softball and lift weights, but notice slight pain when i clench my fist. The pain is on the pinky knuckle, and the last metacarpel.

So should I get this checked out, or wait one more week? I'm thinking the latter, as it is getting better and I have full range of motion.





  1. We will probably never know for sure whether or not you have a fracture without an xray. Let's play this out... you go to the doctor and he gets a picture and says, oh look, you have a boxers fracture but the bone isn't displaced and you have full range of motion and it's been 3 weeks so the bone has already started setting. If you want we can put a splint on it for another couple of weeks so that you don't move it very much til it's completely healed. Then you pay $500+ for the xrays, the radiologist to read the xray and the splint.

    At this point I think I would wait. I could buy a lot better things with my money than a doctor telling me i'll be alright.

  2. Doesn't sound like it. When our son was young, he punched a wall also. He got a bad boxers fracture. His hand was swollen to twice its normal size, it was black & blue, and he couldn't wiggle his fingers at all.

  3. Im sorry ... but I DONT KNOW.. how or why you would hit a wall for fun..... yeah you should get it checked out  

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