
.? Do you think I have OCD ?.

by  |  earlier

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.well i'll share some of the weird things i keep to myself.

..i have a facination with #5 so if im like online i have to go to page 5 or on google images i look until page 5 or if i go above i have to go back to 5 then i can exit it..

...if i accidently tap my right hand i should tap left hand too to make it even...

..or tap the left twice so i can tap the right one again to do it again and so on..

...when im reading a book i take FOREVER to read, because if i see a certain word sometimes i have to write it in my mind with my finger, then put a period on it, in my mind...

5.thanks so much.5




  1. If you don't do those things (like if you force yourself to not tap your left hand to make it even after tapping your right), does it bother you until you do?  Do you feel like you have to do it?  Do you feel that if you don't, something bad will happen?

    If so, that sounds like OCD.  I would definitely suggest that you talk to your doctor if it bothers you.  OCD has the potential to eventually become more severe, so it's best to diagnose it early.

  2. Yeh i would say so, i have it so don't worry :) You will be fine but if it gets worse go see a doctor.  

  3. You may have a mild OCD, but if it isn't overly effecting your life, don't worry about it to much. If it gets to a stage whereas you have to walk in and out of doors 5 times before entering/exiting a room or your flicking a light switch 5 times to get it either on or off go get it checked out. If everyone thinks about it they all have some OCD traits. eg/ turning off power points that have nothing connected in them or keeping a everything in a specific order. Like i personally store all my DVDs in Alphabetical order but before putting them away i always make sure the discs are the right way up, even though i know it doesn't matter how they sit.

  4. That is OCD in its early stages. Trust me, I've been there and I've let it get worse, eventually it will take over your whole life. Learn from my basket and get therapy. That's right. Go see a Clinical Psychologist (not an ordinary psychologist or a psychiatrist), and do it now, not later. If he recommends medication, most likely Zoloft, then don't take it, tough it out with therapy alone. Zoloft will make you dependant and take away your sexual ability. Although they most likely won't recommend it anyway in your early stage as it isn't affecting your lifestyle, but they might if they're stupid. Don’t think about it, trust me and just do it. I know it is easier to disregard what I'm saying, but don't, because you will look back and say I should have listened to that guy, and you don't want that to happen. It won't hurt to just make the appointment and go, if he doesn't think you need it, he'll tell you to get out. Good luck.

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