How do I know if I have a hernia or if muscles overlapped?
I have IBS-D, un-diagnosed. I run 4 miles a day and have really great abs. The running could be the cause of the IBS-D, I have found that on runners websites.
This is all related, promise.
I used the bathroom after running today and I think I pushed too hard because something came through the muscles in my stomach. This has happened before. So I started breathing deep and massaging it. I even looked down and saw the protrusion. I pushed it back in.
I am not sure if I pushed my intestine through my abdominal muscles OR is the internal obliques got tangled and pushed through the external obliques.
Either way I am ok, not sore or anything, just freaked out and wondering what is wrong.
**If you tell me go see a doctor I will give you a thumbs down, I'm looking for what it MIGHT be or if anyone has had this happen.
Again, my abs are in fabulous shape. I'm a 29 year old female.