
Do you think I have a talent in music?

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Most people say that playing by ear and identifying the perfect pitch is a gift.I have that gift and I play violin and the piano and I compose music

My mind has forced me to ask this question whether I have a genius in music or should I pursue some other

First of all I love music very much in fact I love to hear music every time.I never feel bored even after hearing for a long time.I love it more than anything else.I can play by ear and I can identify the perfect pitch by hearing it.I can play music instantaneously after hearing it and I can play it in the descending order too and I do compose music

My music teachers used to say that I am very intelligent.

But I do not know whether I have a genius in music.

I am not satisfied cause I feel I know only a drop about music

I always fell that I will not be able to find out my real talent if I have one. please tell me

I am doing my under graduation in electronics and communication and i hate this stupid course

Do I have a talent or should I try something else?




  1. Well, take some music lessons.  Go from there.  You won't know what your potential is until you get your feet wet.

    As far as being a genius...perfect pitch is more commonplace than you might think.  Not to say that it isn't a useful ability or anything, but I am glad that I don't have it.  Almost all of my friends who have perfect pitch say it bugs the c**p out of them sometimes.  It can also be very distracting in some ways (but equally useful in others).

  2. i believe in practice " practice makes perfect'' life does not give so many opportunities and what you have here is definitely something good

    i say you can make it  

  3.      You sound like you have a great deal of talent.  Whether you're a genius or not, that I guess is yet to be determined.

         You say your teacher told you, that you were very intelligent: this does not translate to being a "genius".  And to me personally, whether someone else told me that I was/was not, or I were to/not to, view myself as one, is by and large relatively unimportant.

         What is important in my view, is to lead or have led, a fulfilled life; so that if you are unhappy with your present educational major, only you - and/or possibly your parents(whoever is footing the bill) - can make such a decision.

         Just keep in mind, that the field of electronics is nowadays, in a general assessment, a much more lucrative one than that of music: very hard, most difficult to become a financial success in a musical career.

                                                      Good luck,



  4. ehh, having talent or genius in any thing doesn't mean that you would be successful in it as a profession.  The talent is only your pass to enter the field and even for those who are brilliant, it takes tremendous amount of work and time to get to where they want to be.  

    I don't think your problem is whether you have talent in anything, I think your problem is that you need to figure out what you want in life.

    by the way,  the "perfect pitch" is an ability you have, not something you identify.  

  5. talent is talent..of course you have talent

    anyone who can play an instrument and play it by ear i think has a talent...if you love music and see yourself doing it for a long time, then go for it

    go to school for it and teach it to others

    teach others to be talented like you :)

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