
Do you think I look like Nastia Liukin?

by  |  earlier

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Everyone at school has been calling me Nastia for the past week. Literally, everyone. I don't mind, but what do you think?

Here's Nastia if you forgot what she looks like or something:

And here's me (in Madrid haha!):




  1. i can c it but i think its mostly cuz u both have long blone ahir and have the same general face and body shape

  2. mhm youu kindof do.  

  3. kinda

  4. You do and if you pull your hair back I think you will even more.  

  5. pretty close and nice look too

  6. I mean, you kind of do. I think its mostly the long blonde hair and fair skin.

  7. not really. i mean you both have blonde hair, and that's it. and she's much tanner.

  8. kind of, btw i like your dress


  9. not really

    but ur really pretty

  10. actually you kind of do

  11. yeah

    and you are pretty

  12. whoa u do!  and ur both very pretty:)

    answer mine?;...

  13. umm kinda not really i would say ur the uglier virsion of her if anything

  14. yeah you really do.  you look like her little sister

  15. you look like her, but just not as tan

  16. A little bit yes

  17. you should have posted a closer pic. you are very pretty adn from what i can tell, you do look a bit like her.

  18. You do.

  19. yes, a little bit

  20. yea u definately do but not exactly like her

  21. u look like her!

  22. I can see the resemblance. I'd have to say it's because of the way you do your hair straight down like her, and you're about the same height. Now, if you can preform the same balance beam routine as her then the kids at your school will be asking: Nastia, can I please have your autograph!?

  23. Sort of. You have the high forehead, narrow nose bridge, and the same jaw line, but you don't have the sleepy eyes like her. By the way, I'm jealous, it looks b-e-a-utiful there!!.

  24. ya u do kinda :)

  25. yeah i little bit

  26. Yea, but thats def. not a bad thing!

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