
Do you think I need a filling or a root canal for a hole in my top molar?

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Hi everyone I have a semi big hole in the last top molar that i have left there is no pain at all and no sensitivity to cold or warm for me I was wondering what are the chances that I need a root canal because I have an appointment for the dentist tomorrow just wondering though if I should be worrying about having to get a root canal. I have had 4 fillings 3 months ago and the thing that is bugging the h**l out of me is that I have been brushing and flossing 2 times a day for the last 3 months before that I didn't and that was probably a bad thing to do. The hole is big that i can feel it with my tongue but small enough that my teeth next to it is blocking my view that I can't really tell if how big it is. Thanks for any help.




  1. sounds like a judgment call with dentist. When you stick you tongue in the hole, does it touch the nerve? if so then a root canal is needed. But if the dentist see's the nerve ending or if the decay is by your nerve you may still need a root canal even if you don't feel any pain now. Root canals are not as bad as everyone thinks. Its a thing of the past.

  2. Your dentist will know for sure.  If the hole is small enough where you can get away with just a filling then that is good.  But if you have a cavity there when they clean out the hole to take out all the decay if it looks like its getting near the nerve then you might have to get the root canal, because it can only cause you trouble in the future.  If isn't hurting you then you can risk it. just try to aviod extreme temp changes and biting hard on that side.  You don't want to aggitate the nerve.  Hope this helps

  3. it sounds like a simple cavity - root canal would've been required if there was pain - when the nerve was being stimulated.

    However, it would be best to get it filled (simple GIC filling) now rather than wait for the cavity to enlarge - then the fillling might not last long due to lack of support.

    all the best.

  4. Just wait and see what the dentist says tomorrow.  But, since it is not causing pain or sensitivity, then you probably won't need anything done to it.  

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