
Do you think I qualify for Medi-Cal or Healthy Families?

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There is a possibility I am pregnant. I have private health insurance, but it does not cover maternity. I stay home with my 16 month old son. My husbands works, but work is extremely slow. No insurance there. And he has only made about 4K this year.

We may not make enough for healthy families, if not, do you think I can get Medi-Cal?




  1. Since you are currently a household of 3, and your are poverty level income, you should have no problems getting on medical through your county.  Also, take advantage of any food stamp assistance and baby necessities that are offered.  They can give you all the info.

  2. Yes-you should qualify. Here is a link:

  3. The guidelines for pregnant women are much, much looser than they are for straight medicaid.

    You'd probably qualify.

  4. Definitely, and you will get healthy family too.  I was in your position and I know it's hard.

    Have you ever though about working from home.  I did and I made some extra cash to supplement my hubby's income. If you like check out the site  The company pays for dental, vision, chiropractic and prescription for entire family including 401K.  Good luck and bless your family.

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