
Do you think I should be concerned?

by  |  earlier

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What should I do?I have multiple sclerosis and was diagnosed almost 11 years ago, I started taking medication about 7 years ago, my insurance company keeps switching prescription benefit programs and now that they have done it again and I have tried to get a refill after filing the necessary paperwork my insurance is claiming they have no record of me being diagnosed with anything. Should I be worried or do you think this is an honest mistake? They say they have tried to contact my doctor numerous times with no response.




  1. Hello,

    My experience is that we have to keep on top of things and be strong advocates for ourselves. Do contact the Dr.'s office directly and get everything straightened out.

  2. It could be just an honest mistake although I would be concerned because of the necessity of the medication.

    I would recommend getting in touch with your doctor directly to let them know what's going on and that the insurance has tried to get a hold of them.

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