
Do you think I should continue taking all AP classes in High School?

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I've taken all pre-ap classes all through out middle school because my counselors said that if you continue to take all pre-ap classes then you could graduate from high school early and get to go to good colleges. Is it true? Does taking pre-ap classes really help. I've always had straight As and I've always been a honor roll student. I know it's not going to be hard to take them in high school for me but is it really worth it? Please let me know. I hope to get a full scholarship for a decent college, doesn't have to be an Ivy league. Oh and I have high SAT score from my middle school talent search program. It was from duke university and I hope I can get a scholarship from there. Also, I go to a good and slightly different high school.It's called kerr. You have to write a good essay and pass an interview to get in there also you need good grades. I also play the violin quite well. So, please let me know my chances of getting a scholarship to a good college.




  1. from my experience, when i went to high school (one of the best high schools in the area) AP classes made a huge difference when trying to get into college. when you're taking AP classes it means advance placement which really is like taking college courses. in some cases, it gets you ready for college courses and demands more. if you think they'll be easy and what not for you, i definitely think you should take them.

    AP classes need more committment than other regular classes and if you can excel then i say do. :)  

  2. I actually attend Kerr High School as a Junior right now, go ahead and e-mail me and I'll give you a way to contact me. I'll be glad to answer any questions for you.

  3. Is the school you go to Kerr High School in Alief ISD? If it is, that is a pretty good school. I really think that if you can handle the Pre-AP course work, then you should definitely take AP classes. Pre-AP and AP classes are formatted very similarly, one just has tests that you can take for credit and is for older kids. When you calculate the cost of going to college, the fact that you can get college credit for good AP scores, I think, is more than enough reason to take AP classes. I'm sure at Kerr, they'll prepare you to do well on the AP tests.

    If you can test well enough on the PSAT, you can get scholarship money for being a National Merit Scholar. I think the fact that you tested well on the SAT with Duke will really help you on the PSAT and obviously the SAT. Technically you can't actually get a scholarship from just the SAT you took in middle school. Of course there are other scholarships out there.

    I was a National Merit Scholar and got a pretty good scholarship from UT. Some schools will give you more or less.  

  4. Yes, but as soon as you are eligible to take dual credit college/hs classes you should do that instead of, or in addition to APs.  Dual credit courses are looked on more favorably than APs.  

  5. i think if u wanna get to a good college and wanna continue taken the ap classes, then go for it cuz im sure graduating high skewl early would look pretty impressive on a college application

  6. i think you have a very good chance of getting a scholarship as long as you keep your straight A's up

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