
Do you think I should do this or is it too risky?

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I'm going for vacation on fall break to the Island of Mombasa.

My parents will be in Europe but they want me to stay with my cousin. So me and my cousin decided that we will tell his parents that my parents said that it was okay for us to stay at a beach hotel. So we are planning to rent out a wicked hotel and go out to the clubs and just have fun with my other cousins and their friends.

Keep in mind that the legal drinking age in Kenya is 16 and night clubs don't enforce any underage rules...especially to foreigners.

Should I just go visit my cousin/family and stay with them and be bored?

or should I get my cousins and through a mega beach party and do everything that my parents told me not to?

Besides i'm 16 and I only live once... right??




  1. You should definatly definatly definatly do it! That's three definatlys. It would be so much fun and that's what vacation is for!

  2. Yes go for it

    Just be prepared if they find out

    It will be fun, pros outweigh the cons here


  3. Okay that sounds amazing!

    You've got one life to live and you're 16! Go and have some adventure. Anyway, if you get caught, the worst that could happen would probably be you getting grounded for a while.

    Do it!

  4. DO IT!!


    I mean what's the worst your parents will do if you get caught? you have to think about that first.

    but your right you only live once you gotta live it up :]

    just don't drink to much, it's no fun when everyone's dancing and your puking your brains out in the bathroom :D


  5. Well, I'd do it, but if you're lying to ur parents - then its prolly not safe.

  6. First of all, this is Kenya not the US. Remember the girl that went missing in Aruba on spring break. I'm all about having fun while your young but be smart. It only takes one time for something to go wrong. Also, I looked crime up in Kenya and its off the charts. Check out the links below for more info. If it was in the US or in certain areas of Europe I would say go for it but in Kenya I would say h**l no.

    P.S. This quote was from one of the links below.

    "U.S. citizens should be aware of the risk of indiscriminate attacks on civilian targets in public places, including tourist sites and other sites where Westerners are known to congregate."

  7. go for it! that sounds like so much fun!

    im 16 too haha!

  8. well obviously the way your wording your options means you want to do the beach party thing!just do it!

  9. well it sounds like a fun idea and i would totally luv to be u but i would also be afraid of getting caught so choice is ur's

  10. go 4 it all

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