
Do you think I should do this?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going to be picking up a girl for a date monday night and I was wondering if I should have this song playing (because the song describes really well how I feel about me and her)

It's called 'Anywhere But Here' by Safetysuit

He's the youtube vid of it, listen to it and tell me what you think :)




  1. aw definately. its a great song thanks for showing it to me.

    Good Luck on your date :]

  2. It depends on how well you know each other, I think. If you don't know each other that well you might come across as too eager. But if you have been friends for a while then why not?

    P.S. It's a really good song.

  3. If its the first date, it could leave her feeling uncomfortable. But if your heart tells you to play the song do it !

    If you want her to know how you feel, better in your own words than a song or both if the song is low.

  4. yeah i like that song. yes you should have that playing. but not loud just soft music in the backround to be nice and sweet. so you can still carry a convo with her in the car. good luck!

    answer mine! please!;...

  5. nope wont make any difference till  it comes out of ur mouth

  6. What you gonna do then keep silent whilst this is playing ? wont that be kinda awkward ?

  7. definitely!  that's so thoughtful, she'd deifnitely notice it.  

  8. beautiful totally play it

    and kinnda drop hints like you look really beautiful

    aww if more guys were like you:)



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