
Do you think I should look into therapy?

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I get emotional really easily, I have some anger issues (occasionally), and I have low self -esteem. I also am very much a perfectionist, and am hard on myself when I mess up, or get a bad grade in school. My friends and parents think I'm fine, but I want other opinions. Do you think it would be a good idea for me to get a therapist, counselor, psychiatrist? Or do you know of any books I could read? Thanks for the help!




  1. I'm so sorry i dont have the solution, but what you just described to me is exactly me!

    I get soooo emotional, like i always cry.

    Like, when i see a real cute child on Tv i cry! :S

    wierd huh?!



  2. hey there Kellykins . I would seek help for your concerns and I am not saying u have this or that but there is nothing wrong with seeking and getting help to make yourself a better person and learning different technique's to deal with your anger, and low self -esteem issues and also your perfectionism. That low self-esteem of yours can get u into allot of trouble as u grow older and end up hurting u more than what it does now know what I mean? There are lots of books you could read and not enough room for me to list them but there are always councilors,social workers and psychologist's that help u by teaching u these technique's besides what have u got to lose ?u have more to gain than anything else ! good luck and I hoped this helped hun!

  3. yes,these can lead to more dangerous problems

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