
Do you think I should move out of my Moms if I feel I am being used?

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My Mom has always favored my sister the most out of the five of us. Now we are all older, I am 29 and I just moved in with my Mom to help her out finanacially by renting her spare room from her and of course helping out with utilities and sharing groceries and stuff like that. Well now she starting up her c**p again by going to my sisters daugheters (the one she favors) birthday party. The point is my Mom doesn't really need to go because she really don't go to anyone elses. So I tolled her that I didn't move in here so she could have extra money to favor my sister the way she always does, and that I would be moving out. She got really hurt. Do you think I was out of line? And do you think I should move out or try to work it out because my Mom really does need help financially?




  1. Well it sounds like you have a problem with your mother going to her granddaughter birthday party because you think she shows favoritism. That is a personal problem that you have that you need to work out and except with your self. Staying with your mother and helping her out financially shouldn't  have anything to do the how she deal with other family members. Talk with your mother about how you feel and why you feel the way you do, but don't leave her in a time of need. That's a selfish move.

  2. There's no question in my mind that you were definitely out of line, telling your mom not go to a birthday party.  I don't care where or whose party she wants to go to, you are no one to be telling your mother what she can or cannot do.  And if you're there  -supposedly-  to help her out financially, well, that's the least you can do for a woman who fed you, raised you, took care of you...what kind of daughter are you?  Your mom's probably better off not having you in HER house causing her grief.

  3. It's not like she asked you to pay rent and then spent the money at a casino, is it!!

    What does it take from you, if she attends her own granddaughter's birthday party? If you had a child, would you not be hurt if she didn't attend the party after being invited? It's only for the afternoon, it's not like she's asking  you for your money to put the child through school.

    I think you're the one with the problem. You're 29, that means you're an adult. Think about it from someone else's point of view. She's not playing favourites, she's showing her grandchild some affection. It's not about you at all.

  4. well yeah i would. im 18 i moved out wen i was 15 my mum had another baby. i moved to cheshire. my mum diesd im still here in cheshire.

    what else can i say. its ur life hun

  5. why wouldnt you want her to go to your neices birthday party? shes the grandma,.. yeah you were deff. outa line!

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