
Do you think I should return this engagement ring?

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Hello, I met my long term partner when I was 16 and he's 20 years older than me and we've been together nearly 9 years. We also have a four year old daughter. Unfortunately we've split up and I've had to get a council house. About three years ago he gave me a diamond ring that must be worth about £2000. I have absolutely no saving as I've invested a lot of my earnings into repairing our family home, and now I have to furnish my new home (fridge, washing machine, couch etc). So I wanted to sell my engagement ring and furnish my new home. Do you think this would be really wrong of me? Thanks.




  1. Don't be plauged by guilt by feeling like the money is dirty. You need the money, you don't need the ring, and I'm sure he has his own savings so he doesn't need it. Do the right thing. Your daughter will thank you.

  2. Well if you could find another way to get money (legally) I would say keep the ring.  But if you are coming across very hard times than I would say do what ou need to do to make a good home for you and your little one.

  3. No not wrong at all it was a gift.

  4. Sell the ring. My jerk of an ex-fiance stole his back. I planned to sell it.  

  5. What would be wrong is if you didn't sell it, given your unfortunate circumstances at this point in your life, I think you will be forgiven.

  6. You never return the ring! sell it for everything you can and enjoy it.

    Would you expect all the gifts you've ever bought him so its your ring and you can do what you want with it.

  7. well its yours to do with what you wish

    i think you need the money more than a ring at the moment

  8. I think if you have been with this man for nine years and he gave you an engagement ring three years ago and still hasn't married you...He was dragging his feet for marriage anyway and wasn't planning on getting married anytime soon...He just gave you the ring to hold you off with fake intentions in mind. Three years is a long time to be engaged when you already have a one year old child at the time and are in a long term relationship. Keep the ring and sell it! You have given him nine long years of your life and a child...Look out for yourself and your child...Don't even ask him about it...just sell it and keep the money for you and your child. In addition, he was way too old for you in the first need a man who has more in common with you and doesn't look like you father.  

  9. If you think that there is no chance of you two getting back together, then sell it. he gave it to u, so now it is yours.

    If there is a chance of u getting back together then dont do it, because it will cause alot of trouble when he wants to know where it is.

  10. Sounds like you need the money to set up your home for you and your daughter so I think you should sell it! But in general I think that if the man has caused the relationship to come to an end then the women should keep the ring. But if she is the one in the wrong she should give it back.

  11. Speaking a chap who has been engaged (ahem) five times, I have never had a ring returned nor did I expect one. The ring was a gift surely and, as such, is yours to do as you wish with. Shame to sell it but needs must when the Devil drives.

  12. If its over for good with  absolutely no chance of a reconciliation, then  use the ring to fund  your needs now!. Sell  the ring now and move  on with your  life, at least you  will  have derived some compensation for  years wasted with  EX.

  13. You do what you need to in order to take care of you.  Does not look like he is willing or you would not be here asking this question.

  14. Legally (in the US anyways) the engagement ring belongs to him.  It is a spoken contract, you say yes to marrying him and he gives you a ring.  You don't marry him and he can take the ring back because you broke the contract.  Although it almost sounds like it wasn't an engagement ring, just a ring that he gave you because he loved you.  If you're really worried and it was a friendly split up, I'm sure he'd be willing to let you keep the ring so you can provide for your daughter.

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