
Do you think I should take a pregnancy test tomorrow? Or am I ovulating???

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Hi! I just got done taking my 2nd round of Provera (1st time didn't bring on a period). It started with spotting, so I couldn't resist, tested and I got a BFN. Then I had 2 days of medium flow and then today it went from light to spotting. This afternoon I checked my CM, and it was blood tinged but definitely that egg white stuff since it stretched about 4 inches! Could I be ovulating or pregnant? I am so confused, since according to fertility friend it would only be CD 3, yet I know it was only a period brought on by Provera. Please help!




  1. Your CM gets thick and milky when you are pregnant. Egg white is definitely fertile so BD, BD, BD!!!! This is your chance! Good luck to you!

  2. Well, thats pretty weird...  A girl I know thought that the provera did not work for her but later found out there was a reason.. because she was pg.. So I, not quite sure what to tell you.  It is possible that after the first time you did ovulate...  I say wait at least a week before testing just to see.. Maybe consult with your Dr to get closely monitored this cycle.

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