
Do you think I sleep too much?

by  |  earlier

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Ever since I graduated high school, I had this weird sleeping schedule. I now go to bed around 1 am and I wake up around 12:30 or 1. Do you think that is bad? WIll I gain weight or something by doing that?




  1. Sleep studies have been done to document the sleeping pattern you describe. It seems that this can be normal for adolescents. However, twelve hours of sleep seems very excessive. If you stayed up until 3 it seems that would be more reasonable. google sleep studies adolescent.

    Could you be depressed or poorly nourished? do you take vitamins and eat well? Are you over weight? underweight? These are some of many factors that can influence sleep patterns.

  2. You will need different amounts of sleep depending on what is happening with your body. I read that teens need 10 hours.

    I felt best if I slept 12 hours when i was in college.

    Now 7-8 hours is good for me. Less than 7 and i am kind of useless.

  3. well it depends how much you do in the day. My mum was like that & she went to the doctors about it & she had something wrong with her. so i think your should go for a check-up.

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