
Do you think I still have a chance of playing volleyball?

by  |  earlier

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I first discovered my love for volleyball in grade 6. In grade 7, I made the grade 8 volleyball team. I have went into numerous volleyball camps, and I have been told I'm a really good player by a lot of my friends. I play club volleyball, it's my second year. I just wanted to ask, I'm about 190 lbs but most of my body is made of muscle. I do have a belly, but do you think that its a problem if I'm overweight? I want to play volleyball my whole life, and I sure hope to play on a professional team at some point in my life. Also, I'm about 5'3 right now, and I don't think I will grow that much taller. Do you think that I still have a chance of playing professional volleyball when I'm older?




  1. well, if u r really really good, yes. as long as u can still spike, serve, and bump, it doesnt matter how tall, or overweight u are.

    hope i helped

  2. Height isn't a big factor if you can make up for it with reading a hitter... you're too short to play front row anyways. Weight issues can limit you in quickness and agility, if you have the endurance, speed, and agility to play at a professional level while maintaining good form then yes, if not then those are how weight could limit ability.

    In regards to will you play pro vb... just know that only about 5-10% of people go on to play college sports, and of that 5-10% only 5-10% go on to play professional sports, so really the chance for ANYONE to make it is small... but small isn't 0

    Good luck

  3. No you are not overweight. I am 171 and i play and i am pretty good. It doesnt matter how big,small,short or tall you are. You can still be a great volleyball player!

  4. If you are as good as you say you are and you LOVE it as much as you say you do(LikE me) then DEFINITELY!!!!! I can't really say i understand but it's not like your obese you're just a tad more than a pencil!!! 4rm what I can tell you are 1 of my volleyball sistas!!

    P.S. Live by my moto, "Peace, Love, and Volleyball!!"

  5. As long as you love the game, you'll never have an opportunity to not play. I've been playing and coaching for 16 years and I'm not 6'3 120lbs. There will always be games.


  7. if ur not really older and can still have ur legs out their plus the oppurtunity then y not.. ur on a roll baby!

  8. Height wont/shouldnt limit your skills in volleyball depending on your position... its all about mental readiness, physical quickness and strength.

    I've seen overweight volleyball players that are great volleyball players... I dont see why you wont be at a normal weight after vigorous volleyball plays lol i lost 10 pounds that i gained over the summer.

    use your weight to an advantage when you condition for volleyball because all that extra bagagge can turn into muscle.

    As long as you still have love for the game, i dont see why you can't play professional. My tip for you is to keep playing club.. especially try out for nationals when you get the opportunity because the scouts are more likely to see how you play it out on the court.

    good luck!

  9. as long as you can jump high. then who cares if your not 6 feet tall!!


    keep it up,

    if you love it that much

    you shouldn't quit no matter what somebody tells you!!

  10. You just have to be very active to keep your weight down.

    I recomend at least 2 sports.  I play volleyball and table tennis - am only getting back into table tennis lately. Which I enjoy a lot now... Have taken to cycling lately too.

    You should always find volleyball games somewhere - even if it is only for social, fun... They will get serious if there are such players present. Social goes all the way up to competitive level - depends on who is present?

    Volleyball and Table Tennis are sports you can play till you are very very old - and note, you can play table tennis at a very intense physical level - like doing very fast smashes - and there are players who can defend and return them - repeatly, very far from the table.

    Oh, if you apply your mind (or get your mind off eating) to having a better diet - you should get your weight/size down.

    Staying off beer should help?

  11. Keep getting better by practicing a ton. Also it depends on which club team you play for. If it is well known then you should be fine! Just keep practicing and make sure to never give up.


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