
Do you think I will get too worn out if I go back to school?

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I already graduated from college but I decided I want to be a peditatric nurse instead, I have to take 4 classes before I get into the nursing school. But I don't want to push it too much. I have a 6 month old baby, I am 5 months pregnant, I work, I would be going back to school full of course the normal laundry, dishes, dinner, housework. And I am in the process of moving, and studying for a test next month so I can get my final license for what I went to school for before.I went to school full time with my last pregnancy until the day my daughter was born, I graduated. I really want to get these classes out of the way but I don't want to start something and become miserable, and not want to play with my daughter. What do you think? School would be done a month before I give birth by the way.




  1. Sometimes being a mother first is a sacrifice but it is well worth it.

    You daughter needs you and your unborned child needs you, so, play with her and enjoy her instead of being stressed and cranky.

    My last trimester is my most tiring of them all... so, I would take a break and take the four classes after things are more manageable.

    You know, I sacrifice my career for my children and am working at a job that pays well and decent flexiblity but really offers me nothing to challenge me.  I know I have great abilities and can go far but right now is not the time, I will work here for another year or two and then go else where.  My children by then will be in their later stages of elementary school and I can relax more, I think or I hope. ;-)

    So, take a break -- you deserve it.

  2. you've got me worn out just reading what you plan to, is there any chance you could possibly do this part time

  3. I am in the process of taking my first online class.  I am not sure if this is an option for you because of the field you want to go into but I have to say it does not require an immense amount of time.  If your husband comes home from work and you can have a couple hours just for you to do your work a couple days a week, you will do fine.

    Thats one option, the other is go ahead and go for it.  If you feel you can not handle it then drop a class or two.  I am sure you can do it.  It seems like you like to live a busy lifestyle.  I know I do, when I have a day all to myself I have no idea what to do!!!  

    Anyway, your awesome for going for your goals and not letting anything stop you.  You already have this much going on why not throw a few classes on top!!

    Hope this helps!!!


  4. It depends. Are these relatively easy courses?

    There are so many people who put off schooling because their kids are young -- and they never go back to school. They turn 40 and have lots of regrets and wonder where the time went.

    Do it now. Your kid won't remember if you were gone for a few hours here and there at age 1. Also, professors can be sympathetic to pregnant women.

  5. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate already...why add more? School can always wait...take care of yourself, your unborn and your 6 month old first and foremost.

  6. A 6-month old baby at home, a new baby on the way, moving, and keeping up with it all, is a lot for your body & mind! - With everything going on in your life at the moment, wait to continue your schooling...Tho, you have well-intentions, the uncertainty of WHEN you will be able to resume your education after the new baby is born, really is unknown. - I tend to think it would be better to have the new learned info be "fresh" on your mind when you continue.

    Slow down and take care of those life-changing events you already have in motion. :)

  7. One of my friends was due in June. She went through her last semester of nursing school and graduated in May. And she had a husband and a three year old little girl. So.. it is possible, it all depends on if you think you can do it or not! Good luck :-)

  8. there is never a right moment to do things, so if you dont take those classes now, dont think that later it will be better. you are a multitasking woman and dont think that taking some classes necessarily means you give up time with your child. if you really want to attend those classes, then do it!

    good luck,


  9. I'd look into a part time program maybe?

    That way you have extra time.

    I'm a full time student (5 classes a semester) and I don't have a kid or a house to keep in order, I just go to school and work only around  15 hours a week AND I get way STRESSED with all the work sometimes.

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