
Do you think I will regret getting a tattoo?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15 and have wanted a tattoo for a couple of moths now. I want to get it done properly, so I will need parent permission, which my parents will probably give me. Otherwise I will wait to I am 18.

I want to get the quote "this too shall pass" tattooed on the inside of my wrist or the inside of the elbow on my arm. It's something that will always be relevant and will always mean a lot to me, so I don't think I will regret it. It will be in fairly small text.

I'm still worried that even a quote like "this too shall pass" I might regret later. If I'm not sure in 3 months I am going to leave it until I turn 18, but do you think I may regret it late on in life, even if I get it then?

Would you regret getting "this too shall pass" tattooed on the inside of your elbow or wrist, or is it something that you can't see one ever wishing they hadn't got? It's not like getting a fairy tattooed on your arm then growing up a whole lot.

Maybe it's just the tattoo in general that I might regret...




  1. that is a nice quote however if you are having second thoughts about it then you should wait.

  2. Maybe yes, maybe no. Personally, I think the tattoo you want is fairly generic and isn't going to go out of style with your personality shifts or age.

    If it is something that means a lot to you, and has meant a lot to you for a while, I think it is ok for you to get it tattooed on you. If you are unsure, design the tattoo and hang it on your bathroom mirror or door for 6 months and look at it every day and see if its something you still like at the end of those months. If it is, I think its a safe bet that you will like it for years to come.

    Tattoos tend to grow saggy and fade as you age so by the time you are 60 it probably won't resemble what it does now (it might just look like a blurry black line) but personally by that age who cares anyways?

  3. I think you should wait a few more years to make that decision. But that is a good phrase to choose; It will be a nice reminder to you whenever life gets you down.

  4. OK, the  tattoo thing is not a fave of mine, but if you really want one, make sure you go to a reputable tattoo p[arlor, and talk with the artist that will be giving you the tat.  Check his previous work (he should have a portfolio), and check his needles, to see if they are clean, and how he cleans them after use.  I could sit here and give you all kinds of reasons to not get one, but that isn't your question.  Just be safe, ok?  (send me a pic of it when you get it done--I wanted one at 16, but dad said no.  I wanted one on my butt to say "If you can read this, you better be my doctor or my husband"  )

  5. why don u get a henna of the tattoo u want.then if u like it get it done and if u dont the henna can come off.get i done and if u  don like it u can get it removed(by doctor)

    henna is a real looking tattoo but it is only a temporary tattoo

  6. My friend got a pumpkin on her ankle cause she was born on Halloween, but now (10 yrs later) she regrets it. And she has to cover it up at work. She wants to get it removed, but it's too expensive and painful.

    I often think about getting one, but like you, I have my doubts. I'd say that if your having doubts, then it's a sign to wait until you're 100% sure ;-)

  7. I have wanted a tattoo for ages. Unfortunately I am rather  fickle when it comes to things like tattoos  and am very mindful of the fact that  tattoo removal is a rather expensive and painful process that leaves a scar that you  won't ever get rid of totally.  With that in mind  I say put it off for now and ask yourself again in 6 months  time. Also, see if you can ask some older people with tattoos  if  they have any regrets about  getting  one. Yes tattoos look great on  young  bodies but  once that skin starts to sag and get droopy...well, not always a pretty sight!

  8. If you are the tiniest bit worried that you are going to regret getting a shouldn't get it right now.  

    "This too shall pass" is a nice quote...but it seems that you are worried that the idea of a tattoo will "pass too"

    Think a while and really search for something that you will like for a long time...Don't rush into this!

  9. i would say, wait till your completly sure about it. and also, of you got it on your wrist or somehting, it may prevent your from getting sertain jobs, some people have a problem with that kind of stuff.

  10. if you are not 100% committed to the idea of this PERMANENT mark on your body, then wait. of course. no-brainer!!

  11. yes don't get it

  12. I won't tell you what to do, but I'll say this - I want something small, wise, and unique ...done in darker skin tones maybe, not black  - either embellished, or like ancient writing, I'm too tired to describe it now.  Look at what I found for around a belly button. lol   For when someone turns 18, of course. =)

    It's the  Intricat Maori Star

    by Wiremu

  13. If you are thinking you will regret it YOU will regret it.  So don't   Get a fake and play tattoo.  Lots of people do that now.  They look all weird and tattooed but they aren't.

    A bad tattoo is hard to get rid of.

  14. My sister got a really small tattoo of a musical note on her ankle.  Back when she was playing harmonica in a blues band, it seemed pretty cool.  But now that she's a porfessional businesswoman, she really regrets it.  It's embarrassing, and she dreads the times when she has to wear a skirt or dress to work-related functions.  Nobody has ever said anything, but she worries that they're thinking "trashy" and that they'll lose respect for her.

    The thing about tattoos is: while they may be in style right now, they probably won't always be.  And even if it's YOUR style right now, your style will likely change.  And tattoos, of course, a permanant (or at least very difficult and painful to remove, and it still leaves a scar).  

    So yeah.  I'm betting that at some point in your life, you'll regret it!

  15. i think u'll be fine. its a nice quote and it will help you during hard times in the future.

  16. When I was around thirteen, I got a tattoo without my parents knowing, it's a long story, but I had gotten someone to sign the parental papers for me.

    I got the tattoo, and I eventually told my parents.

    My tattoo is on my ankle, and I really don't regret it.

    I didn't get anything bad, just a name (not a boy's or anything like that...).

    Of course, there are always going to be days where you'll regret getting something.

    I would talk to your parents first.

    Are you ABSOLUTLY sure that's the tattoo you want.

    Question why you want your tattoo to say that...

    As of right now, I'd do that and wait about a month.

    good luck!

  17. I kind of regret that I got a tattoo because the girl that I got it with does not really care about me as much as I care about her I think. It reminds me of her and I don't think we will ever be together, so I am kind of sad when I see the tattoo.

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