
Do you think I would be able to learn how to play ice hockey in 1 year?

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Alright so, I'm a 14 year old girl and I really, I mean really, want to play Ice Hockey. I'm going to highschool next year and I know I wont be able to do the team this season, obviously, because I can't play.

BUT - My plan is to go to the skating/hockey clinics, skating lessons, Open Hockey/Open Skate, and practice at home on my driveway to be able to learn how to skate and play hockey.

I know how to skate, I just need help on crossovers, skating backwards, and stopping quickly. :/

So - do you think with lessons and a lot of practice, I could learn how to be a somewhat decent ice hockey player by next year (2009) ?

By the way - Our high school girls team isn't all that intense, it's just really for fun and we're not that competetive with our ice hockey, mostly our soccer and football teams. I live outside the Philadelphia area.




  1. i think u can

  2. One year? You're pushing it. Most hockey players start out when they're 4 years old.

  3. No chance. It will take you atleast three years to get a firm grasp on the game.

  4. Maybe - if you work hard enough.

  5. you could possibly do it but you may not be the best player on the team.

  6. Don't let anyone say that you can't. You appear to have the interest and the will to apply yourself. If you're willing to put your practice time in and you find the right coaches, you can do it ... it might not be easy, but you can do it.

    Know your goals and work hard toward them. That's how you'll find success.

  7. I know you can do anything you want to do if you want it bad enough!! You will amaze your self. Try-Try-and when you are sure hockey is not for you, TRY SOME MORE!! Get out on that ice & kick some puckin butt!

  8. im sorry for breaking your dreams but i dont think you have a chance. my high school team is only a 2nd year program and we are skating everyday and every thursday we have double sessions after school and morning skates almost everyday. i been playing since i was 3 and it takes more than a year to learn how to play at a decent level. but if your willing to spend a couple of hundred of bucks to go to a laura stamm clinic that might help you alot. shes really good at training people of all ages and skill levels. umm what else can i say. hockey is goin to be hard to get a hang off and goodluck. the site for all the info about laura stamm is

  9. No... what do you think this is some simpleton sport... it takes hard work practice... and a h**l of a lot more than one year to learn... It takes heart and sacrifice to play this sport... my brother's just 11 and he is in "off-season" and he is on the ice atleast 3 nights a week busting his @ss... "good luck"  '~' if you even try.

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