
Do you think I would feel a pain at exactly the same time that I get shot in the head?

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Or Would I be dead before I realize that?




  1. it takes a split second for the brain to register pain at the point of impact, but some evidence suggests that the brain then 're-adjusts' the information (like it does with incoming visual information) and projects it back so that you think you experience pain at the exact moment of contact....

    but you would be losing conciousness so quickly that none of that would even remotely matter to you

  2. Are you with d**k Cheney?

  3. Pickpockets take advantage of the fact that the greater sensory input over-rides the lesser.

    So, No.

    Not only would you not feel it but you wouldn't remember it if you lived on, in heaven.

  4. Having studied the brain summat in uni (in a behavioral medicine graduate course), I can say it would depend on what the shot was with and where it penetrate. To be honest, it sounds like an event I would want to avoid like a drunken Father Christmas drink driving his sleigh too low to the ground on on Christmas eve.

    "Uni makes me more cheeky"

  5. lol i've wondered about this

    i kno that since its milli milli milli milli milli seconds it wont matter

    but i just imagine, if there was a slight quick feeling of pain

    how extreme it will be...

  6. It depends..If you get shot and died instantly i guessed there would be no pain at all..but if you survive then i would say its a miracle..but then you would get a severe headache most probably or you would just feel numb becoz  your brain functions have already gone haywired..I do still remember thou where at one time when i was watching a real life situation where a person got shot by his own boss right on the head where the boss mistakenly thought the person was a burglar breaking into his shop..Half of the person top head got blown off..But miraculously the person survived the shot and still lived..!!!

  7. No pain mate - go ahead!

  8. Evidence from people who survived says yes, some of the time.  A major wound would cause immediate unconsciousness from the impact concussion, and that would happen faster than it would take pain to register.  Death happens later.

  9. Having been hit by two gunshots - though not in the head - I can state firmly, No. The tissue destruction takes out the nerve before it conducts, and all you feel is the impact, not pain.

    The pain comes later; they call it rehab.

  10. depends where you got shot people get shot and survive so i would guess it might smart a bit, if you are talking complete destruction then i would guess not!

  11. Nerves conduct at 100 mph. Bullets about 600 mph. So probably not.

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