
Do you think INDIA will become no 1country among all the country?

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Do you think INDIA will become no 1country among all the country?




  1. Its nice to hope for this, but i just returned from India, before i visited i heard of all the booming economy, the changes the govt made, etc. But believe me nothing has ever changed. The roads are over crowded, beggery is at its peak, we could not peep out of our hotel because we were crowded by beggers, the sewerage, poeple urinating, and feacal matter all over, open food, dust and poverty really hits us. I am not condemning, i feel extremely bad, i was wondering where is the billion dollor economy, the common man is still starved, children are hungry, water is poluted, diseases are the same. I really feel bad that people wait for the govt to do things for them, why cannot people just throw the garbage in proper bins, if people just did that in their own streets perhaps there will besome cleanliness. I was witnessing people just throwing garbage as they walked. The same indians when they are in other countries change their behavior.

    Growth is lopsided. the road are narrow but everyone has a car, the roads are so dusty. People are concerned about individual needs than reaching out to the community. India is not a poor counrty, its just that people are holding on to money for themselves and do not give back to society.

  2. You're kidding right? Have you ever been to India? When I  there I couldn't walk ten steps out of my hotel before I was mobbed by beggars and pickpockets. Indians think that because they will do jobs for less money that most people don't want that they have a real economy.

  3. prectically never but hopefully yes ,,,

  4. I just came back from India! I have to say that country is just crawling out of 4th world status. They way they treat their poor and sick is just plane sad! I could never see it getting up to any real status

  5. Fristly understand well your rights,educate you self(country's peoples)than think about Number position in the world.

    We have courage and knowledge but using it only our self benefits.We don't fight for our other citizens.

    Fight against all bed deed,which comes on your way,than we will able to make our country in a position.

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