
Do you think Illegals have a right to be in America?

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Why do you think so, or think not?

Is the murder of American citizens okay by Illegals, too?

Why do Sanctuary cities, like San Francisco protect illegals?

What think you?




  1. Obviously, illegals do not have a right to be in the US. That's what makes them illegal.

    Is the murder of American citizens by American citizens okay?

  2. How do u think da native americans felt when da white "americans" invaded there lands and kicked them out. Now white ppl r mad cuz some latinos talk spanish and not english, they say that like if english was da 1st language ever spoken in "US". Soon will come da day when latinos r majority and may b spanish will b da primary language.

    that will teach "americans" a lesson. At least where i live almost every1 is latino.

    bout da murder subject, i think its bad in any way, no matter whos da criminal and da victim.

    And ummmm... never heard of sanctuary cities, sorry.

  3. lol, nigars are way worser than illigals, is that the media is againts the mexicans, i am legal and i think that usa should switch hard working illigal imigrants for the lazy legal ones.

  4. No Illegals have no right to be in America. Cities like San Francisco should be held accountable for protecting illegal criminals. That being said, how would the government go about hunting down and deporting 2 million or more illegals? It makes more sense to allow them to apply for citizenship with provisions. The biggest problem is to prevent more illegals from coming into the country. Truth is, these illegals do jobs no american wants to do, for well below minimum wage. They are used as slaves. They need to prevent more illegals from coming in and find a way to deal with the illegals that are here now. Everyone gets angry that these illegals get free health care etc. How about the foreigners who come here, go to school for free on a scholarship, then return to their country of origin-and its all paid for with our tax dollars. In fact one of the criteria for getting a free college education with one of these scholarships is that the recipient not be an american citizen, and not live in this country when applying.

  5. i don't think so because they should first become citizens, then make work here.

    no!!!  totally wrong, especially the drunk ones.

    because without them, they'd be nothing.


  6. Yes, of course they have a right.and no one has a right to kill anyone.Is it alright to kill someone who is not American?I'm sure your bias to your question.I think you already know and you are just looking for someone to agree with you.I'm sure your grammar school teacher will have a problem with your question.And don't ask your parents cause they evidently don't care about your education.Enjoy the rest of your summer vacation.

  7. America is a country built on immigrants. technically, pilgrims were illegal. we have no official language due to the fact we are the country with one of the most diverse population

        * 5 minutes ago


    Long, long ago.. correct.  But this day we have some seven million people on the planet, and to many people in this country.  Our leaders are pulling a political maneuver on us to hide bad government, and that element of illegal aliens is growing.  

    It is incomprehensible that the Congress would allow this to happen.  They do not represent the American people any more.

  8. NO, ILLEGALS SHOULD NOT BE IN OUR COUNTRY if they can't become citizens the way they're supposed to. Is that question a joke--murder of American citizens by illegals??!! Murder of American citizens or anyone is WRONG!!!!!

  9. What problem do you have understanding the concept of "illegal"? It means against the law. Do you approve, in general, of people breaking the law? I don't, and anyone who supports breaking the law is an abettor of breaking the law. What is so hard about understanding that? You know the laws of the United States allow for correction of poor laws through the process, not by evading, ignoring, and violating the laws that have been developed by some of the best minds in the USA over more than 200 years of free thought, as guaranteed by the same Constitution, based on freedom. Do I think the laws of the USA are perfect? Of course not, but I am not so conceited as to believe I know better.

  10. I think if you can contribute to American society then yeah sure you should be a citizen but if you leach of the gov, you kids are hoodlums etc no you should go back to what ever country you came from.  I believe the same for people who where born here.  I does not mater if he is white, black or brown if you don't contribute then get the F*UCK out of this country.

    And as far as San Fran goes the whole state should be dumped in the ocean.

  11. No. Illegals in the u.s mainly benefits the larger corporations. The more long term solution is to put pressure on the Mexican government to distribute their wealth.


    Because there is another point of view that many hold (and apparently the San Francisco local government) that believes that the illegal aliens are here to work, are hurting no one and are an economic benefit to our economy. To this I would say, yes many of them are here to work, however there is as much if not more evidence that the economic benefit they provide is outweighed by costs - education, medical, language (most government offices now provide lingual literature and services), etc, etc.

    Again, I think the real long term solution is to "clean up" Mexico" so the poorest of the poor can live a reasonable life in their own country.

  12. what do you mean "illegals?" illegal immigrants?

  13. Well, no, cuz then they would be "legals", yeah?

    Come up with an intelligent, non-rhetorical question next time.  And don't ever, ever, ever, confuse yourself with Bill O'Reilly again, okay?

    What say you?

  14. Why do you think they do?

    They have just as many opportunities within their own countries if only they applied themselves.

  15. No they do not have the right to be here, sanctuary cities should lose all funding,  and as for murders by illegals, it should be an eye for an eye theory.

  16. no! thats why its called illegal. the ones that are here and trying don't need to be cause they are doing nothing but hurting us citizens. they're making things harder for us.

  17. Answers in order:


    Because everyone has the right to be wherever they want, this is every ones planet.

    Murder from or to illegals and from or to american citizens is not ok in any way. murder is not ok.

    Because they understand the benefits that immigrants bring.

  18. If you're referring to 'Illegal Immigrants from Mexico', nope.  But it should also apply to those from any other nation if they are here illegally.

    Specifically to the Mexico issue, it's because their Immigration Policies are much stricter than ours.  Illegals coming into Mexico from their South face two year prison sentences...not deportation or deportation hearings.

    Read the MSNBC article from 2006 below to get a better idea of what Mexico's Immigration Policy is.

    As for the murder of American citizens...I don't feel that murder on either side is okay...regardless of citizenship or legal status.

    Sanctuary Cities like San Francisco should lose all Federal Funding, expecially since they try to restrict the Free Speech rights of the Military Recruiting there but cry about their own rights.

  19. America is a country built on immigrants. technically, pilgrims were illegal. we have no official language due to the fact we are the country with one of the most diverse population

  20. No, because there isn't enough space as it is..

    Murder of anyone by anybody is never ok, but it's even worse when someone who is in this country illegally commits a crime.

    For more workers and profits.

  21. I think it should be treated case by case. If an illegal is not working, not paying taxes, committing crimes, ect; then that individual does not belong in the US. If the illegal(s) have learned english, are working for a family, and have no criminal history, then they should be allowed to stay.  

  22. Personally, I think that if you have come illegally to this country, you should not have the right to be a legal citizen. That's like saying "you can't cross our border, but if you do make it pass, we welcome you." ummmmmm mixed messages.

  23. NO and this is my personal experience with it. I was raped by an illegal. Instead of him having to serve time in prison for the crime he just got deported and isn't supposed to come back. If people want to be here they need to go through the proper steps to be here otherwise problems like mine occur and it's bullshit.

  24. No, because they are ILLEGAL for a reason.

    No, they should not be here in the first place.

    Money, economy.

    Sadly, there will be a day when whites and blacks are both minorities to mexicans.  

  25. Absolutely not!  I am all for immigration to America--after all, it's a lot better than most of the places that these people come from--but it needs to be done properly.  Why should somebody who is illegally here take the jobs, welfare, etc. of actual citizens?  It's not fair.  My other complaint--learn English!  Why are all of the signs and stuff in stores in Spanish?  That's ridiculous!  At least try!  I know guys that have been here for 30 years and still can barely speak English at all--and these guys run dangerous machinery with English instructions.  Just do things the right way and we won't have a problem!

  26. Of course illegal immigrants have no rights to be in America; that's why they are illegal. The murder of anyone is not okay, but it's like salt on the wound when the killer is an illegal. Who knows why cities and states are allowed to defy the federal government, but that's one of the problems with the US in general. Illegal immigrants should be deported and not protected. Too much money is wasted on protecting the "rights" of people WHO SHOULDN'T EVEN BE HERE!  

  27. "Is the murder of American citizens okay by Illegals, too?"

    that part of your question is just total BS.

  28. well xenypoo technically nobody here has the right to be in America but those who are not the product of genocide , rape and stealing . technically only the native Americans should be here and all of America should be only of them if there was justice in this planet . anyways technically too every human in this planet should have the same right to give the best of themselves if they really want a better life . the right of work , the right to be give and receive help , the right for medical help are all rights which every human should share .

    therefor the only thing which make the undocumented and u different its the fact than u were born with all the opportunities being born in the USA gives u and than they were born with out the same opportunities . is not like u personally had to do anything to be born in that situation but than u were lucky enough to be born as an American . now think what if it was u the undocumented , would u not want an opportunity to become legal in the USA !? and would u consider fair too be made responsible for the murders others committed and not u !? .

    something i found while searching poverty in Mexico :

  29. no because, well.. according to americans, they are too good to be having an "invasion" of "aliens"... maybe when they get over themselves. but i dont think anyone deserves to be treated like some of them are. and i dont think they have a right to be treated that way. so no i do not think they should have a right to enter america. stay somewhere that isn't corrupt and full of inflated ego's.

  30. No they have no right to be here. If they want to enter they should stand at the end of line and wait their turn.

    You and I know that it is not OK for illegals or legals to kill Americans. Its that they appear to get to much sympathy from the left even though they have taken a life.

    Cities like San Fran are examples of large concentrations of Americans with anti-American behavior. People who are driven to see this great country fall.




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