
Do you think Indogo/Crystal/Star children could just be "Old Souls"?

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Justin...I think all those other questions have already been asked. This question is about humans..Would be much of a world without them!




  1. I prefer the term "spoiled brats" or "learning disabled".  One psychic has a vision of purple auas and that is how it started.  They are not Old - they are as new as they are born, and one should not rest on their past-life laurels.

  2. Sure that could be possible given the assumptions that such children exist and reincarnation is possible.

    I have listed links to both below so people can determine for themselves if they believe there is a connection.


  3. For you to come at what you seek do not look out onto the world, but rather you look onto the universe that lies within.

  4. can you ellaborate on your know before I blast it to shreds with reason, logic, and science?

    not even wikipedia knew what indogo means....


    thank you for elborateing I just looked it all over,

    I won't win best answer I know but I have to be me and I'm comfortable with that.

    my answer is, don't you have anything better to do with your time?   goto a booksotre, get a coffee get a good quantum physics book or whatever and see how much cooler the universe is than what can be imagined, I'm entralled how weird our universe can's exciting and real and more interesting than fiction

  5. Well, I'm an Indigo Child, and I'll voulenteer my answers if you'll provide specific questions. ^_^

    (edit to answer your question)

    Well there are things like, well I don't want to call them psychic powers or occurances, but I fail to find a better word. I've been getting quite good at reading the minds of people whom I'm on the same wave length with. I'm unable to demonstrate this for you, though, as I need a person to be physically present. Supposedly, as an Indigo, I should be well tapped into the phychic abbillities that all creatures possess.

    Many other "quallities" that we're supposed to possess, like anti-conformity, high intelligence, very "right-brain" influenced, etc, I've come to agknowledge in myself. No, I don't have ADD/ADHD/any other mental disorders.

    To answer your other question, I was always aware of having another purpose and being something different from everyone else. It was only this year that I found out there was a name for it. I can't tell you how amazing it was to finally find answers to my questions. ^_^

  6. i dont think so.. i think we are  all on the same stage of our spiritual journey.. just maybe some a little more advanced than others. but honestly.. all these children do make me wonder... who are they?? where are they from.. a familly friend/medium tol us that they are actually souls that have come from another universe to raise the vibration here..

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