
Do you think Iran's Ahmedinejad is another Hitler, because he said he would wip Israel off the map?

by Guest55950  |  earlier

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spelling- wipe




  1. just another petty little sawdust hitler, needs a reality check

  2. He and his kind are a bigger threat than Hitler ever was.


  3. Yes.

    But I think he is saying what many arab and muslim countries would do if they thought they could get away with it.

    Why else is there so much anti-jewish feelings among pakistanis?

    Many muslims hate jews because they are jews. It is just bigotry pure and simple.

    Lol at the person giving English lessons on regime and country........of course he doesn't want to remove the country (this would be the land) just ALL the jews in it (as the people make up the regime)

    It would be better when someone trying to defend a muslim bully answered the question with some personal understanding rather than copying what he considers a clever answer from someone else (but not really understanding it!!!)

  4. Yes. He even said Hitler was his role model. Well we know what happened to Hitler.

  5. But he hasn't yet has he - rhetoric perhaps? Israel is more than capable of looking after herself.

  6. He is full of hate and I don't care what his apologists say, he wants to get rid of the jews in the middle east.

    His supporters in the UK are encouraging one of the world's biggest supporters of terrorism. Just because he is a muslim does not make him always right. The man is a bully.

  7. No, he's just making bellicose speeches that play well with the general population.  Iran wouldn't risk attacking Israel for fear of a massive retaliatory attack from the USA.

  8. Mate, Iran has always wanted to wipe Israel off the map

  9. No.  Hitler never denied that the n***s were getting rid of Jews.

  10. Hitler oversaw the world's most powerful military machine and was a master of propaganda. Iran is neither. Ahmedinejad is playing the ignorance card to a country of young undereducated people. They're both motivated by power and ignorance!

  11. He really never said that, seems that the group that translated his speech did not do so right at all. I do recall seeing a site with another version of what the speech said and the difference is huge.

  12. am from Edinburgh, I got fined £500 + costs for sending an email telling the Bearded b******s that if they harm my g/children..I WILL seek revenge.

    Nu-Labour rule :(

  13. no... I think he said that for his domestic audience and has regreted it ever since. It was just his retoric at the time. Having said that, he obviously doesn't like Israel a great deal. (silly man)....

  14. it is amazing how often people say he was misquoted......but has he actually said he didn't mean it?

    interesting that al jazeera printed the 'mis quote too'

    i think he just has 'small man syndrome' and has to talk big to try to get some status in a region that openly hates jews


    OYE .... well you would say that wouldn't you?

  15. Bush and Blair are Hitlers equals.

  16. With "Children are to be seen and not to be heard"?


    Don't think so.

    Just exposing "The ruling, leading and guiding elders were rude with self lack of knowledge"

    Children misbehave with unruly behaviour, self prides, self rudeness, self discrimination as people of different races of self racism with self lack of knowledge in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God like their elders too.

    With all the cheap-skate ghostly stories on glory in idol worshiping the dead Mummy with empty skeleton of skull and bones of failures and horrors of the past from someone else graveyards as Son of a dirty old man not as the Son of God to be mankind in advancing in time but moving backwards in time in the twilight zone without being aware of the mess of their own creation in own backyards.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  17. What a racist prick.

  18. Actually he didn't say that...what he said was about the criminal government of Israel which is MURDERING and USURPING the millions of Palestinians and their land through state terrorism...and through control of media disinforming the public.  If you are not one of many Zionist agents in America who are working for inhuman Israeli interests, then I suggest you go to source documents and find out what was really said.  If you are a Zionist, then you would already know that I am speaking the truth.  By the way I am no particular fan of Ahmadinejad!

  19. israel has no respect at the UN and has ignored more resolutions than Saddam ever did!

    its long known he was mis quoted....he was pointing out that its israel who threatens world security , not him or Iran

    Israel has a bigger nuclear arsenal than France!!!!

  20. In some respects yes.

    It's not just that he wants to wipe Israel off the map.  He denies the Holocaust and he has no respect for international law.  I can see that he's attractive; and apparently he has a strong personality.  I don't know whether he has the ability to create a cult of personality like Hitler did, though.  If he does, then I'd say yes, hes like another Hitler.  If not, he's like a little Hitler.

    Of course Iran doesn't have the resources that Germany did; but the radical Islamist ideology is worldwide.  To become like another Hitler, he would need to lead an international movement.  So far, he doesn't.  In fact, he is largely ruled by the Mullahs of Iran.

  21. He didn't.You're a victim of American media manipulation.

    See the following to understand how you were all duped.

    Go to Youtube and put in "wipe Israel off the map." Watch the first video.

    I'm no lover of Ahmedinejad but fact is he didn't say it.

  22. given the chance Israel would do the same to all the Arab countries,hate breeds hate

  23. Seeing as Israel didn't exist when Hitler was around then No.

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