
Do you think Iran should get bombed before they get nuclear wepons and destroy Israel?

by  |  earlier

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What u think??




  1. No way.

  2. no.. not at all.. thats a horrible idea.. we should be promoting peace not war.. and what makes u think that iran is going to drop those bombs on israel as soon as they make it.. i mean we have them since ages and we only used them once.. and i truly think that was also a liitle to much.. promote peace.. please..

  3. I don't think any country should be bombed. That's just plain wrong.

  4. I don't think Israel will allow them to develop nuclear weapons.  Then again they seem too weak to do anything these days.

  5. No.

  6. that's been done the doubt it will happen again

  7. I think "something" should be done, but I'm not sure the US should bomb them.  Historically, negotiations and peace deals don't work if we are the arbitrators, and bombing them back to the stone age would just turn the world against us more.  We don't want the entire world to be afraid that they're next on the list.  So, i think some other country should step up to the plate and open discussions with them.

  8. why should any country be bombed? On that premise, America should be bombed.

  9. No. I think a diplomatic approach should always be used until the very last minute where it is clear that an attack is imminent and diplomacy has failed.

  10. so your answer to bombs is....bombs. The problem is why should a country that doesn't seem to think of iran/isreal as people not warzones get to bomb them? What gives anyone else the right? It wouldn't solve any problems and would actually cause more problems.

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