
Do you think Ireland has been destroyed??

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and is not as amazing as it once was?

this is really a question for irish people.....;)

(im from Ireland too by the way)

i think it has....and it makes me politics, a lagging economy, too many immigrants...and so on





  1. also it is very new york-y and doesnt really have that green, historic, beautiful place it once was, dont get me wrong some places in the country are beautiful but in cities they have turned into like new york or LA type places

  2. yes. im 18 too, and live here in dublin 4 11 years ow, im from america tho. i hate it here, no offense, but ive never felt welcome here and now do not feel safe at all. i was attacked in drimnagh a few months ago not to mention, those two polish men that wer stabbed round the corner from my house. and then two more in james's a few weeks later. i work with maybe 30 polish and they are nice people, most of them, but it does get so annoying when you have not got a clue what they are moaning about.

    im also tired of seeing signs in polish now.

    health here is a disgrace, people dying in corridors and having heart attacks in waiting rooms in wheechairs.

    not to metion, bertie and all his lies and problems, and now the other guy in charge, jus a matter of time b4 its him too.

    and young kids here are awful. pregnant at 13 and 14m 3 year olds walking around throwing rocks and cussing you out. i had to grab sum little punk off my best mate the other day cuz the kid decided to try n kick him. no respect. i cant wait to go home, i just feel so isolated and scared here. ur safe nowhere. dont go to hospital ull be worse wen u come out. and the prices of things are ridiculous. 2 50 for milk?? come on

  3. Do you think Ireland never had a problem with its economy,politics ,migration? I dont mean to sound patronising but are you under 30?.....Im glad all the racist/xenophobes are angry.They can wallow in their bitterness.

  4. Im from ireland :D! Personally i love it i don't think anywhere else in the world is like it, where abouts you from in Ireland ? Derry here. I believe that Ireland have way more fun than the majority of other countries. We have great 'craic'. Ok soo maybe we have  S****y politics but you can't beat the amount of craicccccccc

  5. I don't agree with you at all.

    If anything, It's the opposite.

    We went to a poor country to one of the Richest in Europe, We have a great standard of living because of the high Economic growth and that's thanks to the immigrants.

    So don't be so ignorant.

    = )

  6. When will politicians realise that you cannot mix old cultures on a mass scale without unacceptable   problems? I am against the mass immigration experiment

  7. I've just returned to Ireland having been away for 11 years. I left just before the "boom" and have arrived back just as it's winding down (great!!). So I think I'm more than qualified to answer this question. The Ireland I left has changed, yes, but also remains the same in so many ways. It is now a strange mixture of the parochial and cosmopolitan. I sometimes have to stiffle giggles when I see how small things are here compared to the UK. I cannot get accustomed to the Irish media as it is so bloody sports oriented and so commercially driven.

    I have really noticed the diversity here now and have met many people from many different nationalities and I must admit, they are all lovely people, I think ireland used to have an inherent fear of something "different" and usually shunted it. However with the new immigration, I think people have had to accept diversity more and this is a great thing. I am finding the cost of living here quite crippling and have found employers unwilling to provide a good salary. it's still a lot about "who you know".

    However, I am very happy to be back as my family are here and I live in the beautiful east Cork countryside. I have never experienced anyone nasty in the last 4 months I've been back here and I really love that, most people are willing to help -  very different from Manchester where I experienced it almost every day. i just hope my financial situation will improve soon as i don't want to be one of the increasing have-nots with an also ever increasing small majority of "haves" driving thier ridiculous 4X4s. As for the politicians, I think this country is the second most corrupt island in Europe after Sicily. What a rant!!!!

  8. I can say the same for here in the U.S. and in the U.K.  I agree.  Very sad.  America is less American, England is less British.  I don't see a good future for any of us.

  9. Not Irish myself, but two of the items you list are connected - Ireland's strong economic growth brought those immigrants - immigration is a "rich country" problem. Previously Ireland/the Irish went to other rich countries such as England, Australia and the US looking for opportunities, where they were outsiders and a burden on the locals, changing the cities they inhabited. It is a well established cycle - you are just on the other end now, having to absorb new cultures and population growth, and the strain that that growth puts on resources such as schools, jobs, housing, hospitals etc...But immigrants also bring a lot to the economy, they are bringing growth and money ...and they pay taxes after all. Both sides benefit.

    All economies fluctuate, you cannot expect things to stay at a very high level economically at all times. A huge fast upturn like the Celtic Tiger means a bit of a fall or slowdown after awhile.

    All countries change and adapt - maybe it is because you are so young that it seems threatening to your eyes. Other cultures are a good thing - change and evolution is inevitable.

  10. Personally i don't think it has been's a lot better now than it was when i a kid growing up in Belfast......i live in england now..but i still have a very big family over there and would give my right arm to go back home..if it wasn't for commitments here i'd be back there like a shot.....

  11. It's disgusting to hear people in Ireland talk about immigrants as a negative - coming from a country that exported millions. Shame on you.

    A lagging economy? The world is in a recession - not just the Republic.

    So no - Ireland hasn't been destroyed. The northern six counties are showing the results of the peace dividend and the rest just aren't aren't as rich as they were two years ago - but that's just a blip.

  12. We need to be careful when talking about the immigrants.  If they are working here I don't have a problem.  The reason I say this, if they weren't here our ecomony would be in a lot of trouble.  Basically we don't have enough money to pay people's pensions so they are helping.... I think the ecomony is going to crash so a lot of them will move on, but remember this is what the Irish did for years..... So yes in one sense Ireland has been destroyed but we can't have it every way.

  13. not yet

    ireland is a hardland


  14. no. i don't think it has been destroyed. it has certainly changed an awful lot in the last few years, but is still an amazing place to live. best little country in the world.

  15. No.It's nothing short of a miracle how far Ireland has come in such a short time.There's far more money in the country,more jobs and opportunities,more people able to afford a third level education.We're more stylish and better travelled too.

    It's the fact we've been built up so quickly that's caused some problems but Brian Cowen I believe is a sound politician to steer us through what is a global downturn.Other countries are going to fare much worse than Ireland.Too many immigrants?We actually need more skilled immigrants in the future, especially in engineering, if we want to continue being a success.No need to be sad,Ireland's doing alright.;)

  16. Believe it or not, Ireland was 'formed' by immigrants: the first known wave were the Stone Age people, followed by the Celts from Spain who brought iron and that technology with them, later the missionaries (who I feel did the greatest damage, but hey, that's just my opinion) and afterwards the Vikings, and the Normans .... even the Romans traded with the Irish, but they never invaded, didn't like the weather apparently.

    And during the Middle Ages Ireland did a roaring trade with Portugal, Spain, France and Northern Africa, and many people from there came to in Ireland and were assimilated. Many of the trad tunes and the sean nos singing sound very Arabic ....

    So you see, immigrants of the past contributed a lot to the cultural development of the country. Immigrants of today have already done the same and will continue to do so.

    You think we have a lagging economy? You weren't alive in the nineteen eighties, were you?

  17. Actually I think Ireland is much better now. You've really evolved.

  18. Ireland since it joined the EC has never had it so good. Destroyed? Far from it! The only thing that has been destroyed is the stranglehold that the Roman Catholic Church once had on the Government and the people. This is a wonderful country with opportunities for people who are prepared to get up off their backsides and work. True there are some problems in the health service and taxation seems inequitable but on the whole life is very good here.

  19. yes i think it is destroyed, lots of people are also emigrating from ireland and yes its sad too the civil war has also destroyed a lot but im norwegian and scottish so scots pwn irish anyhow hehe jk

  20. Well, it's good that the Irish have some money in their pockets, at last.

  21. Ireland is as 'amazing' as it ever was, but due to the presence of immigrants is finally less insular and homogenous. The immigrants are the improvement Ireland needed.

  22. So it's perfectly acceptable to spend hundreds of years exporting our own but when a few foreigners stray within our borders the whole place is going to h**l in a handbasket?

    But I wouldn't worry, if the economy is on the slide, migrants (including Irish people living abroad) will lose interest & if you're really lucky we'll go back to the same despairing hellhole it was before the good times

  23. think you'll find that with alot of places these days, although don't think galway's changed that much

  24. 10 years ago...  a guy i lived with in galway (an Irish American from Boston) had his parent come over to stay and tour a bit of Ireland... find their roots... as you do....

    i met them briefly and they told me they loved it... how wonderful the people were, all the sights and sounds....

    i dread to think what they would say if they visited Ireland today

    Ireland our beautiful country has been totally destroyed by idiotic governance and mass immigration....

    the worst part of it all is that they call you a racist if you say anything... i have nothing against people from other countries living in ireland... but hundreds of thousands from just one is far too many...

  25. I think so a bit yes, its a shame really, the reason Ireland is (or was) so popular and beautiful and unique is because it was old, rustic, all the buildings in town were practically built one on top of another, really old brick, cobbled stones etc etc and when all these sleek new modern buildings and developments started going up it in a way ruined the old style Dublin (and rest of Ireland) that was so appealing and popular, people have to realise we dont need to be as modern and dynamic as the rest of Europe, we are what we are and should be proud of it.

  26. Sure haven't we destroyed ourselves with our rampant consumerism and our 4 wheel drives?

    It's far from 4 wheel drives we were reared!

    And don't be saying nothin about the Poles. The women are only stunning so they are.

  27. i dont think it has been destroyed at'all!

    the immigrants are great people and come here simply because they love our culture and to make some "doh" lol

    however, them taking our jobs annoys me a little at the same time.

    also, ireland was once unsafe with regards to the republic and N.irelands disagreements, but since then we are now all tending to get along alot better.


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