
Do you think Jason Bay is going to put up some good numbers with the Red Sox?

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Do you think Jason Bay is going to put up some good numbers with the Red Sox?




  1. Since he is with the Sox He Better because We didn't Trade Manny because He was a Problem we will get rid of Jason bay for Being a bad Player, Next Time The Sox Epstein will have more of a Conscience.

  2. Yes. He will do absolutely anything for the team. He has an amazing work ethic and will be twice as good as Manny because he's almost as good, and worth a lot less money. And, he won't be gone after this year.  He'll fit in perfect with the other guys on the team who play their hearts out every single game and the team chemistry will be amazing. I think he'll be quick to get used to the media. JD Drew struggled last year and ended up with a grand slam in game 6 of the ALCS against the Indians.  Hopefully Bay will come through too.  

  3. I hope so - I've got him on my fantasy team (I also have Manny).

  4. hopefully he lives up to his name for being traded for a future hall of famer. we will jus have to see how he deals with the pressure of boston

  5. With the exception of his poor season in 2007, Bay has had an OPS over .900 every year. He's be playing on a team that hasn't even finished over .500 in how long, like 15 years? I'm sure he'll be motivated in Boston and will put up pretty good numbers. He's not going to be Manny Ramirez circa 2006, but he should be pretty good, as long as he's comfortable in the spotlight.

  6. It's hard to tell. He will be switching leagues, which means a BUNCH of new pitchers to get used to. Also, he will be playing games that really count (cause we know he didnt get many of those on the Pirates) so there will be plenty of pressure. Especially when he is batting 4th, and trying to fill the shoes of Manny Ramirez.

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