
Do you think Joe Biden is qualified to become President if the need occurred? What qualifies him? ?

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Do you think Joe Biden is qualified to become President if the need occurred? What qualifies him? ?




  1. He has as much or if not more exp than McCain

  2. He's far more qualified and experienced than the moose eater, Palin.

    Palin is taking classes to get her up to speed on the responsibilities of the VP. She knows nothing about foreign policy. Biden has decades of experience and will eat Palin alive during the debate.

  3. Well, he's never been a small town Govenor!  Woo Hoo

  4. He's more qualified then MCcain  

  5. Obviously, this is a joke.  Biden has experience, wit and wisdom.

    It does point out the fact that Obama chose someone who IS ready to lead.   He chose a Vice President that makes America stronger.

    McCain chose someone that helps John McCain.   He chose someone to give his campaign a boost, even if it put America in danger.

  6. You must be kidding right?

  7. sure he has worldly experience... remember when he said you can't go into Duncan Donuts with out seeing one of those Pakies...  or when he said Obama was a nice clean black man.... he'll make a swell President.  

  8. He is more ready than Palin.  He has been in national politics alot longer than Palin.  

  9. his senate experience and experience in foreign policy.  

  10. A Senator is far more qualified to be President than a Pitbull with lipstick or a Hockey Mom.

  11. i agree with the first answer. what doesn't qualify him, he has the experience, foriegn affairs down, and he's already tried running for the presidency so we all know he wouldn't mind it.


  13. Hes been working in washington for years.

    Please tell me what doesn't qualify him.

  14. What doesnt?

  15. Joe Bi den is as qualified to to become president, if the need occur rs,

    just as much as George Bush was, when he became president.

    No one is qualified to become president unless they were president

    of a country before.Joe Bi den has many years of experience in the

    political arena and I think he would do just fine as president,

  16. Nah, he's had an aneurysm (look it up I know I spelled it right) and he's kind of a drunk: fun but old and in the way.  

  17. He is more qualified for the job than Obama.Experience. McCain/Palin 08

  18. Yes.  He has been a senator since he was 29.  He is a smart guy with a lot of foreign policy experience.  He will be a big asset in Washington D.C.  

  19. He is not a hockey mom hillbilly for 1

  20. ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!

    If people actually thought flip flop Biden was qualified, HE would have been given the Democratic nomination, NOT Obama.  No one can stand that man!  This was proven in the primaries!

    Preparer:  WILL BE  a great asset to Washington?  Hasn't he been there since dinosaurs roamed the earth?

  21. Just by virtue of being the Vice President!

  22. If a moose killer is qualified, then he should have no problems at all.

  23. Uncle Joe is crazy! I mean hes a barrel full of laughs. Look at some of the things he has said, his statement about you cant go into a 7/11 without seeing people from India working there, That Obama is the first clean looking black person to run for office, oh and how he called Obama Barack America the other day.

    Really-Biden is not a racist or anything like that. He has had several brain aneurysms over the years. Generally just one is fatal in most people, but somehow good old Uncle Joe pulls through everytime . I imagine that he probably lost like 30% of his mind from it. But it only makes him fun and interesting. Imagine some of the things he will be saying to other world leaders!  

  24. Because he is second in command of the he man woman haters club!

  25. He is actually more qualified than Obama...... whats wrong with that picture. Biden himself said Obama wasn't "ready to lead the country" and Hillary Clinton has remarked that all Obama had done was "gave a speech".

    McCain/Palin 08

  26. yes he is qualified by age and birth and part momination and of the 4 is in my mind an excellent choivr exp to compliment Obama's freshness

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