
Do you think Joe Biden is the right pick for Obama? What are the pro's and con's in your opinion?

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Mikey B, when McCain starts the draft are you ready to send your sons or grandsons? And for what? If the terrorists wanted us they'd had us long ago. If they can take a plane down with a box cutter they can destroy us if they're really is a "terrorist" threat!! We never heard the word before Bush got elected!!!! Now that's all we hear after he riles up the other countries!!!




  1. Well it is the best choice for Obama, But don't you think it is really sad that the candidate has to depend on the number 2 man to do the job.

    If the Democrats need to depend on Joe Biden so much to try to win this election, then why did they pick such a sham of an empty suit (Obama) to represent them to start with? Could it be they were hoping that 40 years of telling the white boy he should feel guilty about what happened before the Civil war did not work.

    I have voted for many black candidates in the last 30 years. But they had something Obama doesn't, It is called Substance.

    You know the POTUS is not a corporate America job where you can get away with putting a sham minority in a position of authority, knowing the white boys below him won't let the company fail.

    McCain in 08   Substance over Vacuum


  2. I'm going on hope. I hope McCain is still the maverick and once elected he will drop the Bush ways. He needs to at least pretend to go for him to get some of his votes.  Other wise we are doomed. Unless we turn back to God this country hasn't a chance for survival. Obama doesn't seem to want "God in anything.  Abortion is against the Bible, g*y marriage is against the Bible, and so much more.  How can anyone, that loves Jesus, vote for this?  I'm more concerned about our country and allowing God to protect us ,than worrying about any thing else.  Of course this is my opinion and I know not all will agree. I'm just stating my own views.I'm sorry-I didn't answer the question,  He's better than most i think because he does have knowledge that Obama could sure use IF he will. I wish Huckabee could have gotten it. But he would want to bring God into it and the Dems don't want that. By the way, I'm a registered Dem but I'm going total republican this time.I've prayed and have to go with my conscience.

  3. I was going to vote for Obama before the announcement and I am still going to vote for him.  IMO Biden is a good choice since Obama does not do nasty well as someone else as already pointed out.  But I think that Obama's cool collected approach to things is what we really need in a President.  This 62 year old Southern woman is voting Obama.

  4. I hope so. I have to find out more about him. He does have the experience which Obama lacks, and I hate to say this, but he's a white man. That might bring some of the voters who didn't want to vote for a black man back into the fold.

  5. Well, he's not Hillary, so that pleases me.  I will spend some time trying to learn about him.

  6. He was my pick for VP.

    I can't remember being this excited about a candidate before.

    But Obama doesn't do 'nasty' well. Nasty sells and wins elections.

    So now we have an old war horse - to do what's needed to win.

    And a Presidential candidate who can do what's needed  for the country.

  7. Huh? There never will be a  draft. If he has picked Biden, it means for sure I'm voting for McCain. I live in the west-Colorado, formerly Arizona-the Democrats still don't know there is a country west of the Mississippi (excluding California-that's another country). What is ridiculous, having the DMC in Denver !!!

  8. I breathed a sigh of relief when the news was confirmed.  Now I can vote for Obama without too much concern.   I didn't feel that way yesterday before Biden was confirmed.  I really believe that if Biden had more money to spend on his bid for the presidential nomination, he could have won it.  I am a resident of Delaware.   It's a small state.  Everyone knows Joe Biden in one way or another.   He's a regular guy, nice guy, and he's brilliant.   I know he cares deeply for this state and I know he cares deeply for the future of this country.   He was definitely the best choice Obama could have made.  

  9. I don't think it really does much for him.  It doesn't change Obama's experience at all and I can't imagine anyone as arrogant as Obama taking advise or direction from an "underling", especially a white one..

    Biden has spent many years running for president or as a vice president and hasn't had much success at it.  He is totally lackluster and his greatest accomplishment (in my opinion) was keeping Teddy Kennedy awake for the Thomas hearing.

    But I guess this is the best the Democrats have to offer, right now.

    As far as the draft goes, it will not affect my family - we volunteer to defend our (and your) freedom!

  10. Anyone is better than Clinton. I hope they don' get elected!

  11. I'm  an Aussie so I don't really know much about American politics but I thought that Obama was going to have Hilary Clinton for his running mate.

    I thought that would be a winning combination for sure. A woman and a black man. Ya gotta for for them right???

    I just saw Obama and Biden on the TV news tonight and they don't seem like a winning pair to me.

    What happened to Hilary Clinton, she seems to have just dropped away off the scene. Where is she now, whats she up to???

  12. I think it will work out o.k. Biden has foot-in-the-mouth-itis, but his intentions are good. Bush has 8 years experience and still doesn't have any wisdom, so let's see what the next 4 years bring.  

  13. I'm glad he chose experience.  

  14. I don't think it makes much difference because the number two person is usually just a figurehead and has little or no influence. Most presidents are so narcissistic that they wouldn't ask the VP's opinion if their life depended on it. At election time they just hope to convince those voters who are waffling about who to vote for that this person will make them a better president. However, after JFK I do take a look to see if I could live with this person as president if something happened to the president.  

  15. Although Biden is reputed to be honest, sincere, and experienced, I have to admit I was somewhat surprised by Obama's choice.  Let's hope his decision was on target.

  16. I think it was a perfect choice. I have always liked Biden. I have often wished he would run for President.

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