
Do you think John McCain was inspired by Walter Mondale in his VP choice selection?

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  1. Somehow I cannot imagine Walter Mondale inspiring anyone. But as for comparing Palin to Ferraro aka Zaccaro, Palin has actually accomplished something.

  2. no she is a barracuda

  3. No, I think he was inspired by Palin, and her hard core belief in going after corrupt officials.

  4. I don't think his choice was thought out at all.  

  5. You can try an correlate the two all you want and the fact still remains.

    John McCain and Sarah Palin will hold the top two spots in the country come Nov 4th.

    Obama/Biden are toast

  6. No...

  7. I doubt if Senator McCain was considering his running mate's plumbing, but was looking at her accomplishments, her gravitas, her intelligence, her integrity, her experience (which transcends Osama's)  and her ability to solidify the conservative vote.

    Why?  What would YOU look at in Gov. Palin???

  8. no, i think he was inspired by palin and her postive approach to politics with particular emphasis on effective energy legislation and policy

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