
Do you think John Mccain is playing the POW card a little too much?

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Do people really believe that just because he was a POW that he should be given points to run a country?




  1. It reminds me of George Bush/Cheney and the 9/11 card.  I guess there is nothing else he can talk about.  Does that mean that the prisoners at Abu Graibe prison or Gitmo are also quaified to become president too?

  2. I would have thought a good soldier would not have lost his plane and got captured, but you must understand we're dealing with Republicains here, they think he suffered for them just the same way Jesus suffered and died on the cross for their sins.

  3. Good question i feel is banking on people forgetting that he believe the same as Bush and he did vote with Bush 90% of the time.. For 4 days of his convention that's all they talked about is his POW experience... What do that have to do with running our country. nothing He is playing card to the fullest potential just he  like he is doing with his pick of VP.

    For the person that said Obama was playing the race card i want to know when have he ever played that card i have  been watching this election unraveled since day one and the only person i have heard say anything about the race card been used was McCain when he accused Obama of using it.That's McSame way  to devirte  people from the real issuse that he is Mcsame McCain

  4. He's playing it way too much.  But then again, that just shows that the "maverick" will do anything to get elected.

  5. At first I thought so, but I think sharing his story is a way to show everyone that he knows what it is like to be within a hair of death and to be broken in spirit. It also demonstrates that he did learn to become focused on others and not on self by becoming a better and stronger person. By reading up on true accounts from POWs, you will see that those guys really went through h***. To give up a chance to leave early and remain 4 more years in the Hanoi Hilton shows that he loves his country and will die fighting to protect it.

  6. I have never heard of a POW card and serving in the millitary is very relevant to serving your country as a president. I think he uses his experience in the military to emphasize to the American public that he loves his country enough to risk his life for it. Thats a pretty valid argument if you ask me and I give him a lot more points for that than for a guy who... doesn't really do anything other than talk about hope and change and some other words.

  7. When it got to the point where McCain explained that his favorite band was ABBA because his taste in music got frozen in time while he was a POW it did in fact get to the point where it was officially being played too much :

    “If there is anything I am lacking in, I’ve got to tell you, it is taste in music and art and other great things in life,” McCain joked. “I’ve got to say that a lot of my taste in music stopped about the time I impacted a surface-to-air missile with my own airplane and never caught up again.”

  8. I have much respect for John McCain, the war veteran & hero but that doesn't mean he will make a good president.  

  9. McCain's POW status shows that he gave of himself to America.  It also illustrates that unlike every President since Bush I, he has actual military experience.

    do you want a president that hasn't been outside the comfy confines of academia & government (Obama) or a president that has put his life on the line serving his country?

    McCain's veteran status is worth far more points than Obama listening to a hate-monger, anti-American wingnut preacher, or taking land deals from convicted felons.

  10. He's playing it a lot too much.  It was YEARS ago, he needs to focus on right now.  

  11. It does show his character.  Does it qualify him to be President?  Not on its own.  It does show me, however, that he isn't going to just roll over to the latest political winds, and given the rising dangers in the world, I trust him more to protect this country than his opponent.

  12. For 5 1/2 years John McCain was in a POW camp! He wasn't allowed to play cards!

  13. Maybe we should make you a POW  and make fun of you if it affects the rest of your life. He did that to keep you and your family safe here at home. You should be thankful, instead of ungrateful, as you appear to be with a question like this. And yes, I do think he should be "given points" ,as you say, to run this country. It means he isn't going to duck and hide when the country gets another crisis( which happens every year to some degree), like I believe Obama would do ( he has nothing to prove otherwise).

  14. he is turning people off by beating this horse to death.

    Leave him alone, turning people off is working.

    Obama by 11% after the Nationally televised debates!

  15. Most likely stop playing the pow card when Obama stops playing the race card

  16. Heck yes, I am so tired of hearing about his pow days. Yes, we

    know he a hero, we heard it from everyone that have spoken. I

    think he thinking he could win but having people feel sorry for him!

  17. No I don't it demonstrates character, Biden dodged with a questionable asthmadefermentt the war, Obama has never served his country yet plays the race card, its fair and this time we need to hiree a vet, at least he fought for your right to be free and disagree

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