
Do you think Johnny Wilkinson should be knighted?

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Is there any accolade good enough for this stupendous man?




  1. No.

  2. considering the idiots that usually get it.... yes

  3. Man, you should give anyone a knighthood who can eat 15 chicken b*****s aday.  What a legend. SHOT!

  4. If England win then he must surely be up for it.

    Great player. He has really lifted his team.

  5. No, at the end of his career his achievements should be assessed and a knighthood should be decided then. The value of a knighthood is been taking away by them being given left right and centre!

  6. I hadn't followed England or the last RWC that closely to know what all the hype was about with Johnny Wilkinson bar the drop goal to secure their win.

    This RWC ~ I stand in awe.  Jason Robinson is electric and always, always breaks the advantage line...but where would England be without Johnny Wilkinson?  Would they have progressed to the final without his initiative to say chip into the far right corner for Sackey to score against Tonga?  Just a fluke?  Yeah right!  That takes pinpoint accuracy & skill!

    Not only does he have amazing kicking & attacking skills but he is awesome on defence and made some crucial tackles during the French game.

    Others have been knighted for way less!

  7. A knighthood for kicking a ball over the bar?? Can I get a knighthood because I'm particularly good at tying my shoelaces?

    Get a grip! If he's given a knighthood for keeping England's world cup hopes alive, that doesn't really say much for his fellow teammates does it?! "We relied on Wilko's boot because you lot were so unreliable at getting the ball over the tryline". Hardly knighthood material, is it?

    And a kicking rate of 74% accuracy in this world cup is hardly fantastic, mate! I think the Portugese kicker had a better success rate than that.

  8. No! He is not a great Rugby player. It is just freaky fluke stuff from Johnny Wilkinson. The English player that deserves the knighthood would be Robinson, the rest forget it.

  9. WTF ppl

    Like loti tuqiri said before the qfinal. Quote: England has only got 1 world class back, and that is Jason Robinson. I coulded agree more. Johnny Wilkinson, wats his kicking percentage like 65% at best so far this tourney pathetic. The only reason he scores all there points is because England cant score a try and Johnny is the only 1 that takes the kicks. He hasent won a game 4 England yet.

  10. Yes! He should have already been knighted last time round in Australia? Why he's the sole winner of all matches all the for the finals, the fans should sing "Go, Johnny Go, Go & Go. Lesser men have been knighted so what wrong has he done not to deserve this award?

  11. There are 14 other players on the the park weraing England shirts. Its not just Jonny. Altho he is a legend. I think if Jonny gets one then so should the rest of the team. Especially Andrew Sheridan, Lewis Moody and Phil Vickery. Theirs isnt a glamorous job but if they didn't do it as well as they do. Jonny wouldn't get the ball to kick in the 1st place

  12. Let's see what he does next weekend - we may want to kick him over the crossbar - he is very good when he is on form but what about the two misses and the rebound just when we needed the points?

    Consistency is sometimes more useful than brilliance. The South African Percy Montgomery is developing well there.

  13. No I think he's going into pantomimes but some cash and then he will begin his new career as an MP or maybe Prime Minister.

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